
Patience is a virtue

I've meant to put these photos up for awhile but never got around to it. This is the last project I did with Jana and I think it turned out pretty cute. Of course I want to paint the walls but it actually looks nice the way it is, and better off light since it is a basement room.

This family has four boys and probably one on the way (she didn't want to find out, probably to hold onto hope that it might be a girl) Their dad played for BYU so they are very into sports. The basement is a boys dream come true. Well, sports fanatic boys at least. Big enough to play bball in, which they do along with a serious boot camp style work out they are very serious about. Funny boys.
We did the older boys room two years ago and it is a sports overload so when Heidi told us a jungle room would be fun I was syked to not have to hunt down sports related things. (not that there's anything wrong with that) I crafted the tree out of bamboo limbs and leaves then wired the whole thing to the wall. I wonder if I should have put a warning on it? Caution: strictly for decor only, no climbing. Does the elephant look familiar to you Kickbutt?

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to join my other crazy family members in a chewing bamboo leaves picture. Why do I always have to try and be like my cousins? Hey, Kwona and kids did it too. I'm not alone in the quest to be like Quinn.
Sooo... I'm still here in St. George wondering what I am doing here exactly. We were supposed to go to Vegas but in true fashion of the way things go around here; we aren't there. I have been fighting the urge to get back in my car and drive north ever since I got here Sunday night, coincidentally the same time the boss decided to return my call and tell me the plans had changed. Picture me now sitting cross legged like the Dali lama summoning strength and wisdom... but failing miserably.

I've had some time on my hands whilst I wait for Rowdy to deliver "a load of work that will take me hours to do" for two days now. I started my vigil for the promised faxes yesterday, gave up and went home and wasn't surprised at all when he called early this morning saying 'for real, I have a lot I need you to do.' And, hours later yet again, I am still waiting. Like waiting for Gedo (who, by the way never showed up, what kind of play is that?!)

I've been using my time to read up on a new diet. I might become an affiliate but I'm waiting to make sure I truly want to endorse it. Like Signe says, 'Jenna, if you weren't a Mormon, you'd be an Evangelist.' Because I like telling people about the things I love I guess. (Little does she know Mormons are good at that too.) If it lives up to the promises don't be surprised if I'm shouting about how fantastic it is to pretty much starve yourself for a week and give up, GASP! Dairy. And sugar. And red meat. Oh my goodness. The very thought.

The diet. Basically going to be the worst thing ever but with an outcome I can live with. (No, I'm not trying to lose weight, I am not that deranged.) If all goes as planned I will be breakout free and be completely cleansed of the toxins to blame. Sound too new age babblish for you? Me too, until I read a 200 page book on it yesterday and realized it makes perfect sense. I am one of those people who can say I have tried everything, but to no avail. And after a horrendous week of breakouts I'm so ready to do this.
So if all goes well, which I seriously believe it will, I'll have some seriously awesome before and after pictures for you. Seriously. (getting my vocab ready for Greys Season)

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." RWE


KickButtMommy said...

LOVE that room. How cute. Can I ask how much the client paid for that? Was the furniture already there or did you buy it? Where have I seen that elephant before! Do tell. Now you put my blog to shame where I just posted pics of Christian's room. Of course when budget has a limit....:) So now I need you to find me a super cool fabric that brings in orange and ties everything together!Miss you lofey! And glad you are not dieting to lose weight. That would be ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Cool elephant...the painting and the figure(?). I like the color of paint on the walls, kinda of African khaki. Now you just need some netting or mesh to drape the windows with. Kickbutt's Ella-phant is cool, too.

KickButtMommy said...

Okay, I totally get it now (after Vicky explained it). I thought you meant the elephant on the wall! I love your elephant and twoika! They look just like mine. Cocoa and Sweet kiss.

jmr said...

I was thinking I would throw you off with two elephants. I didn't do up the invoice for this job so I can only ballpark but it was something around $1500 - $2000 furniture included, special ordered for the room, but that also includes the bathroom, 2 more headboards, shelves and memo board in the older boys room. So, really, not bad all things considered. ooooh fabric heather!!! want my favorite websites?

Anonymous said...

Where have you been breaking out from?

KickButtMommy said...

Yeah, I think %1500-$2000 is quite a deal if the furniture is included! Yes, I want your favorite websites!

jmr said...

haha frybaby! I am sorry to have to write a retraction. I asked, furniture was not included. :( oops.