
bumper stickers

What do you get when you cross a parking lot, two loons and time to kill? 23 pictures of the two loons, in the parking lot, killing time. Jackie invited me to tag along with her and her sister, Jenny, on a girls outing. Shopping, dinner and an expo just for the ladies. I had prior plans for the night but could definitely go for some shopping. Jackie and I have different styles. She is all sleek and I'm...? Sleek just doesn't come naturally to me. So when I tell her I want to adopt her sleekness she introduced me to my now favorite pair of pointy toed oh so perfect gray sling backs. The only downside to my perfect shoes is they hurt me more than shards of glass. But what is beauty without a little pain? And they only hurt when I walk. {why do shoes never hurt in the store? It's gotta be something to do with the adrenaline of the hunt}

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