
milling about smartly

'milling about smartly' is a term used to define looking busy. I was doing just that yesterday morning, I'm pretty good at it I think. I spent some time looking out at Antigua wishing I was there, then wandered the ship running small errands that, for the most part, are made up to give me something to do. I decided to make a stop in CASREC since there was a group getting ready to get on a boat and it is entertaining to listen to Gunny yell at people. He was yelling out the names of those going, checking them off on the manifest, so I headed off to my next destination and was just around the corner when I heard him yell out my name. Me? I went back to see if I'd heard right and the Lieutenant in charge of the NGOs on board told me he'd put me on the list.
I ran downstairs, grabbed my pack and an MRE from my locker and boarded the boat.
Antigua is pretty, but I'm sure you could have guessed that. The town is relaxed in the way you would expect a resort cruise liner port to be. Lots of tourists, vendors, reggae music, dogs, those awesome colors I'm in love with, that until now, have only lived in my idea of what the Caribbean should look like. I'm not disappointed in the slightest.
We had some time to kill before we were meeting with the senior missionaries so Rob and I ventured out and wandered the streets. I liked this vendor, I resisted taking a picture of her because they don't like it, so I took a picture of the saying on the side of her cart instead.
I've been good. I haven't even tried to touch or catch any of the creatures I've seen, no matter how tempting.
On the way back to the Comfort we got hit by one of those fast moving rainstorms that pop up once a day in the afternoons. I was soaked in a matter of seconds since I was sitting in the uncovered part. Dave, the captain, said I could stand up next to him so I enjoyed the rest of the trip with an amazing, but a little blurry, view of the cliffs and stormy green seas. The temp of the water? 82 degrees. I really wish I would have fallen overboard.


Caty said...

I love these updates, Jenna!

And I love the picture of the dog. Just something about it...

KickButtMommy said...

it just keeps gettin better!

Lindee said...

We experienced one of those awesome rainstorms when we were in the Bahamas. They're amazing!

FRYBABY said...

The wonderful thing about those rainstorms is that you are not freezing after being soaked! I miss the Houston rainstorms!!

(You know I am REALLY trying hard to match up to your posts on my blog but my life just isn't that exciting!!:)

Vickers said...

Love the gecko. Impressed by your restraint, cuz he is a cutey.

Cara said...

I like the turquoise gate with the white trellis.

Here on the US East Coast we are having days on end of "Forks" weather. I keep looking for vegetarian vampires, but no luck yet.

Amy said...

dont always comment, but i do check! loving all your stories! cant wait to see your scrapbook of this adventure when you get home! be safe k :)