
in reflection

could not have done this without my parents {thank you mom & dad}
I started planning this night in May. Nothing serious, just little ideas here and there when I was lacking something to think about. And for all those details, I don't think any of them actually made it to today. But it gave me something from my familiar life to do out there floating around in an environment that wasn't at all familiar. It was fun to do this for these people who can do medical wonders. I make things pretty - they save people. Too each their own right?

The church is officially involved in Continuing Promise 2010. Wonder where I will be in April? Graduating, and then what? Could I find myself in Indonesia on the Mercy? {Sister ship to the Comfort}

Pirkko, Mindy, Ashley

Me, Melissa and Ang


Anonymous said...

yeah jenna i will definitely need your help in beautifying my house!

Vickers said...

So does this party mean that most, or all, of your LDS volunteers came from Utah? What a wonderful thing to have a quick reunion and so great that you had a lovely place to hold the party. Kudos to your mom and dad, but also to Michele and Tony. Looks like a fabulous day.

I enjoyed reading the article in the ENSIGN, Aug 2009, about the Comfort.

jenna marie said...

true point Vickers - THANK YOU MICHELE AND TONY!!! leave it to me to forget the people who own the house who let me invite a bunch of strangers to play!

Cara said...

You are the hostess with the mostess. Love the apple bouquets.

Some people save lives, others make things pretty, I wipe bummies. To each their own, right? :)