
plan not necessary

even the best laid plans change. I didn't have much more of a plan than to hike to Lake Blanche, a hike picked at random from the many options of Big Cottonwood Canyon, {see it about middle distance lit up by a bit of sunshine?} so I wasn't too concerned when I reached the trail head and found myself in a considerably gusty rainstorm that didn't seem all that inviting.

Continuing up the canyon, windows down, sweatshirt on and fighting the urge to turn on the heater, I found a road I've never ventured up.

ever the anti-social when it comes to being out enjoying nature {isn't it supposed to be about solidarity?} I chose a trail that veered off from the one the bikers/hikers/dog walkers were picking and went on the one less traveled. {I can hear my dad sighing right now, I had my cell and mace so no worries}

at the tip top the clouds were moving fast and the sun was peaking in and out just long enough to highlight different parts of the vista below. A storm didn't seem to be brewing, just clouds moving along going other places to rain out some Saturday plan, but not mine.


Cara said...

Your cell phone is not going to help you any if you fall off a cliff! If you want to be alone, go to the bathroom.

Vickers said...

Cara speaks like a seasoned mom. I am assuming, b/c you are blogging, that you returned home safe and full of good pictures. Surely there is someone who would like to share your hike adventures personally instead of through your pictures. Look harder to be part of the Buddy System.

Anonymous said...

I want to go with you next time!

jenna marie said...

thanks for the laugh Cara, and the advice. I'll try that next time I want to be one with nature.

FRYBABY said...

So what ya doin down there in desert land? The weather here is gorgeous....in the 80's or less!! See you soon:)

Lindee said...

We went on a major hike this weekend too and the whole time all we talked about is how if we fell nobody would ever find us and that's why we needed more than one person there lol. Plus our cells didn't get service so that wasn't an option. But solidarity is nice, especially in safe places lol.