
serious blogging block

I have serious bloggers block. Sounds serious doesn't it? I have plenty to write about believe me. I just don't know where to begin. It all seems forced or dull and that just isn't the nature of my life right now AT ALL so why write if it isn't reflecting things in the right light?

I'm only trying to write something now because I'm going skiing in the am and I'm wound up about it. I should be sleeping so I can try to keep up with Bearded M but it's like Christmas. Just the thought of being on top of a mountain and flying {that's what skiing feels like to me} makes me want to put my coat on right now and go wait outside the ski shop to rent some gear.
Plenty has been going on. I should be able to tell you a story or two... went to a Jazz game monday night. That was a good time. I'm pretty sure the Jazz won?
Vicky was here, but as far as I know she has gone on to the next stop in her wandering travels. We had fun as always. Lots of rummycube and good times.
Sooo.. to sum it up: Vicky came to town... this semester is laid back and my classes all rock. Work is super busy and fun... Life is good.... I know so because I wake up every morning excited about what I have going on during the day. And that's that.
Where are all my stories?!
What is this?
This is pathetic, that's what this is. Why is it so hard to sleep?!


Sioux said...

I don't know what it is, the holiday slump, sickness, or what? So many people have fallen into the black hole of bloggin' block! I for one, have no ambition, no inspiration, and hardly any time. We always love to read your 'Deep Thoughts'.

Hopefully when January goes away, we all will see brighter tomorrows!

KickButtMommy said...

maybe after your flying today you will feel more inspired. At least a pic of two of the skiing would be fun!

Anonymous said...

You are a genius with the camera and it was even more fun to watch you taking the shots. What an imagination you have. Miss you already. Be careful, be safe, be smart....something like that.

Cara said...

I, too, am in the blogger's block club. It must be January, like Sioux said.

Perhaps Valentines Day will give us all some inspiration for blogging!

Jackie Sanders said...

This is SO official!
We truly cannot be friends!
I have not see you since 2008!!! AND you do way to many fun things, I just can't keep up!
As Abe would tell you about the "slopes", shred it, or regret it!

jenna marie said...

Auh! January!! Yes, must be. Poor January, it has such a bad rep.