
Give credit where credit is due

I got on today to come up with some funny stories from the last couple of days (nothing yet, but I'm rambling already so something might come up) and found all these great comments from Heather and Vicky. Totally made my day. I laughed, I cried...ok, I didn't quite cry. But almost! But that is just my rather odd state of mind. Kinda being fickle about what emotion is at hand at any given moment. Yeah, I know, one padded room coming right up.
I've been out back (in the alley cat domain) spray painting rubber manzanita branches for Signes booth at the bridal fair this weekend. Same thing happened. The laughing until I cried thing. Only this time I was really out of breath from breaking the thing loose from it's stand all the while Signe's telling me to twist it more and put some muscle into it. Well I guess it might put up some fight since it was mounted in cement. But still, I think I might need to join a gym. Since when does a manzanita branch have the upper hand on me?
While on the subject on Signe, the fun neighbor I mentioned in the Fanastic 4 post, I should tell you that I've borrowed some of my photographs from her website. (I have a link up if you want to check out more of their images) If I haven't mentioned it before, she and her husband are The photographers. Signe's plan is to take over the world. They are succeeding from what I can see. They have some major style and loads of talent. Not to mention a killer reputation for being the absolute best. I pay attention to their cometition (what competition?) and they have room to spare at the top of the food chain in this super competitive town we live in. Can you tell I'm happy to be associated with such talent? I most definitely am!


KickButtMommy said...

Well, whether you need to join a gym or not, I do not know. I am just impressed that you know what a manzanita branch is. You are one up on me girl!


Anonymous said...

All right...so where is the video camera when you are out in the alley wrestling with cactii? Do you not know that you could win $10,000 on AFHV? Or better yet, you and your manzanita could go on Dancing w/the Stars and win a cheap trophy. Don't waste the moves, Girl, record everything. I'm sure Signe could get some award winning shots of your plant gymnastics. I gotta come see what you are up to!!!!