

I was just about ready to leave for work when Rowdy called and told me to take a snow day! There is some snow on the ground and it just started coming down again here. He said St. George is getting a load of it so he didn't want me driving in to town with all the crazy people who forget how to drive when there is snow involved. Well...OK!!! I don't mind one bit except that my camera is at work so I can't get a picture of Zion. It was looking pretty amazing with huge black clouds all around and covered in snow this morning. Just take my word for it, BEAUTIFUL!
So now I think I'll get back in my sweats and chill. I reported a dvd lost with Netflix and weeks later it showed up in my mail box yeterday, better late than never, now I have Bewitched and maybe some hot cocoa to make my snow day complete! It is a novilty to stay home totally healthy, I'm so going to enjoy it!!!


KickButtMommy said...

Oh I am so jelous! We never get snow days here! :) I could totally go for a day in bed watching movies and drinking Stephen's Hot Chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you didn't have your camera. I would love to see snow in St George and on the bluffs there. Then you could look at those pictures in July during your 117 degrees F days(!!!) and feel a lot cooler!
When do your folks head to Africa?

Cara said...

Snow in St. George? Is such a thing possible?

Loved the post with Grandma's house. I haven't been there in about 5 years, and I miss everybody!

jmr said...

They leave on the 12th, they get done with their MTC stuff on the 9th so they hope to get to some BYU Sprts Dance Competitions. (They have their blog up but have yet to use it!) It was so awesome having a free day yesturday. I woke up this morning bummed out that it was sunny, back to work. Cara, Utah is cool, come visit us sometime! :)