
Called to Serve

What a weekend! We left Thursday afternoon for Bountiful. It snowed bunches during the night so we woke up to a pretty white world, I forgot how much I liked snow since I've taken on the snow bashing attitude of my fellow southerners who are above dealing with snow and cold weather. I actually enjoyed it and in the spirit of it all I even bought myself some snowboots. Well, I kinda had too, I only packed sandals!

The missionaries ran lots or errands, I decorated Micheles kitchen and watched lots of movies. Sunday morning I went to a college ward at the U with Coree. I felt like I was trespassing. The lesson in sunday school kept veering towards dating, I caught myself thinking I don't need this, but really, I guess I do! How weird. I was having a hard time relating and just felt so out of place.
Sunday night we filled up the basement room with the 10 of us and chatted about everything and anything, mostly just enjoying each others company. I couldn't possibly soak in enough time with my parents.
The hardest thing about the weekend was the feeling like time was counting down. I was making the most of my parents being around and kept getting the crazy urge to hold onto their ankles and beg them not to go! I was glad saturday night when Tony asked if my parents wanted Priesthood blessings. Of course they did and when they were finished my dad said I was next. Authority. OK daddio. I would never pass up an opportunity for comfort. It was good to feel reassured and I think it made it a little easier the following morning when we had to say goodbye.
I'm not saying it was easy!! But it was quick and I tried to look at it like the bandaid method, Just rip it off! As I was leaving I took a picture for another couple going in. They were on their way to Russia and they didn't even question why my face was soaked. They were probably too excited to notice, I know my parents were crazy excited! I am too, below the missing them.


KickButtMommy said...

Oh Jenna, that must have been very hard for you! Lots of transitions in your life right now. I wish I could give you a big hug. Just remember that part of the blessings your parents are given for going on a mission is that their family will be blessed in their absence. Sounds pretty good right. That being said I am sure when my own parents go on their mission this next year I will be a total wreck! Even though I don't live by them. What will I do when I can't call my mom 2-2 times a day! Hang in there. Love ya cuz!

Anonymous said...

Just think, Jenna...you have sent off your first Missionaries!!!! And you know they are going to be like the Sons of Mosiah (not that they are going to serve a 14 year mission). Gotta move up north and keep going to that U student ward.
Love you Sweetheart.

jmr said...

14 YEARS!! That makes 18 months sound like cake. Thanks! Moving up north is sounding better every day. No I just gotta make it happen before I start to fall back in to my safe southern life. Time for a change. I love you two too! Thanks for always having such great advice for me.

FRYBABY said...

....SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES......centerville, centerville, centerville, LDS business college, centerville, centerville, UofU student ward, centerville, chocolate.....We are opening up a space for you so start packing!!!P.S. I really messed up on my blog somehow and started a new one so change my link to fivemenandalady.blogspot.com....
Love ya!

jmr said...

I love u Michele! That was so funny, your hipnotic message is working wonders!! Chocolate? woooow, I'm packing up right nooow..zzzz...oh wait..packing..