
chal mogo sayo

I ate very well. Or something like that. And boy did I ever! I ran an emergency Vegas run today for that client I've mentioned a few times already. We bought out all the curtain rods at Target in St. George (yes, we have such sophisticated hookups as decorators) so I called 3 stores in Vegas before I found one who had enough to meet my needs then drove down to get them. Since Jana couldn't come with me I got to eat where ever I wanted and so I chose my favorite Korean BBQ on the strip. It was the highlight of my trip. That, and Express was having a sale so I got a really pretty sweater for 10 bucks, normally $50. Score!
I didn't make it home in time for Grey's and haven't checked abc.com yet to see if it was a rerun or not but I have a sneaking suspicion it was. But I did catch Notes from the Underbelly. Any one else see that? Any reviews? I dunno what to think yet, but I'll probably watch it again because the whole baby thing is curious to me. Could be a fun show, I guess it depends on how clean they keep it.

OK! The thing that has me typing really fast and practically bouncing out of my chair is the email I just got from Heather. WE HAVE TO GO STAY WITH HER AND SEE WICKED!!! Are you girls as excited as I am???? I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight!! I think it sounds like a blast! So, if you aren't excited yet, GET EXCITED!! LET'S GO!!


KickButtMommy said...

Thanks for being my cheerleader Jenz! I hope everyone is as excited as you!

Grey's was a clip show, you know they show clips from the all of the three seasons. Denny narrated it. It was okay. Not great. I started to watch underbelly and think it looks funny. I will finish it when El goes down and let you know!

Anonymous said...

I spent the mindless evening hours on NBC w/Earl, Office, 30 Rock, Scrubs, and ER. Good way to wind down. Tonight SG/1 returns for its final season so I will be spending the evening on SciFi.

jmr said...

AUH! The Office.. I have gotten so far behind! I miss those characters, thursdays need more hours in the day.
So Heather, what is the feedback from the other ladies? Do we have a party in the works? Please say yes! I'm too excited for let down!

KickButtMommy said...

No feedback yet. Still waiting! If not we will hit the town, you and I jenna!

Anonymous said...

The only shows I watch are Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, and Utah Jazz.....the boys aren't quite sure what to think about "Dancing" but Jameson and I decided maybe we like Billy Ray Cyrus because he's pretty funny and a bit humble. I am really out of it when it comes to any series...we are totally sports oriented!! (We do watch The Office when we are around and remember it is on...) I truly believe I live in an interesting world of men!

Devry said...

I would definitely be in for "Wicked!"