
Big Rock Candy Mountain

What a fun weekend! The Smith and Tatton families get together every year for a fun trip and I was lucky enough to be invited this year as the honorary miscellaneous Rix.

After a beautiful drive thru one of my favorite areas in Utah (Circleville) and a smallish detour when I followed the directions on the website for BRCM to their other resort (oops) I got to the right resort in time to go on the river rafting excursion. We met up with our guides, Buckshot and Smoky, and I thought it was a good thing Tony was an experienced river runner because these two characters were anything but sober. I could smell the booze coming off Buckshot as we piled in to our boats and as ridiculous as this sounds, I just thought it would make the experience all the better!

We survived and it was a lot of fun too. Our inebriated guide only made it more exciting because in particularly hairy spots he'd let off a string of cusses that had me thinking we were for sure goners but he'd recover and things would go on as smoothly as ever. We were completely soaked since it was a constant water fight between the two boats the two hours it took us to get down the river. We didn't stand a chance against the boys, especially since Michele and I were in charge of the water guns for our boat and we were wedged in the middle not really able to use our arms at all.

When we got back to the cabin after the river run Coree was headed out on the ATV so I jumped on back for a quick little ride. We wandered around the river area then crossed the highway to check out a trail and 6 miles up the mountain we decided we'd had enough and the sun was going down so we came back to find out Tony was out looking for us and we'd completely missed dinner.

Sunday morning after breakfast we loaded up and headed towards Hurricane by way of Cedar Breaks. It was a beautiful detour. We stopped at the official lookout but didn't want to pay the price for the view so here is a pic of Michele and a couple of her boys in the parking lot.

I now have a house full of Smithees for the rest of the week and I'm loving the company. I've been having fun cooking and hanging with the fam. I should get used to the ways of a big family, I'll be moving in with this crazy bunch in the near future! It will be a major culture shock since I'm pretty keen on my loner ways!!


Cara said...

Big Rock Candy Mountain - from "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?" right?

Sounds like so much fun. I'm feeling jealous...I'd like to see if you can get my mom out on the river while she's visiting the next few weeks. That would be landmark.

KickButtMommy said...

That sounds seriously fun! So is it official? Are you moving up North now?

jmr said...

I am! I can't think about what I'm leaving or I'll talk myself out of it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna, I am one of your Mom's cousins Clydene. Our Step-Grandmother Fry was from Joseph and as a child when she went to visit down there she would bring us candy from the Big Rock Candy Mt I would be so excited for her to come home with the rock candy! It was such a big disappointment when on a trip to Monroe to visit my husbands family he took me there so I could see it in person well my heart was broken when it was not all that it cracked up to be. Then just recently we were there with one of my grandsons he to was full of great expectations of the mountain has we hiked around his response was "SO where is it" his dream also came to an end. What I did notice when we were there, was the new bike trails they have put in they look like a lot of fun.PS liked your cracked pot story to.

jmr said...

the rock candy IS awesome! so sad the candy mountain didn't live up to your dreams! I want to go back and do more trails.