

That's right. Financial freedom. No, I didn't win large amounts of money, nothing that easy. But I did chop up all my credit cards to show myself I was committed to my new budget and not doing anything else with credit. I'd held on to all of them even tho all but a couple were closed accounts because they looked pretty lined up in my planner. I know, I'm kinda weird sometimes. But having all those slots and nothing to put in them seemed silly to me but I'll get over it.
So I mod podged them all together since I was still having a hard time parting with them after I'd cut them up. Odd lofey.

You have no idea how excited I was about the Utah Summer Games Opening Ceremonies last night. If I had to hear the ad one more time on the radio telling me how fun it would be I think I was going to go crazy.
I started calling my friends early this week to recruit some buddies to go with me and I was baffled that even the ones in town with nothing going on still didn't think it sounded like fun! I think I need new friends! Just kidding guys. But honestly, who wouldn't want to hang out in Cedar City on a beautiful summer night? I've been hearing the ads for a month now about the games and how at the opening ceremonies they would be trying to beat the genus world records for most people wearing balloon hats and also the worlds largest game of Simon Says. OK, so maybe that wouldn't get you there either but Ryan Shupe was performing and after seeing him perform last weekend I wanted to see them again since they pretty much rock!! AND fireworks! I LOVE fireworks, so I was sold and I was really sad when no one would go. I can do a lot of things alone and be happy doing it but going to a conert alone, well, then I think I'd just feel alone. So I gave up and I went shopping to dull the pain. Does this seem wrong after what I just said about financial freedom? I know, it was a true test in self discipline.
As I was leaving the store headed for home I heard the ad again, only this time a live remote saying if you aren't in Cedar you're a big fat loser and I took it personally. Oh yeah? Well then. So I tried Garrett, my buddy I've mentioned before a few months ago. Why didn't I call him first? I don't know, because he was all for it! We met up and I hopped in with him in his sweet loaner Thunderbird convertible and off we went. I caught him up on the dating adventures and such and had him laughing at my misadventures and he told me all the secret land deals going down around town. I was practically bouncing in my seat. Do I need to get out more? Probably.
I wasn't disappointed. The weather was perfect, the Flying Aces were there, a team of Olympic Skiers/Snowboarders doing amazing tricks on trampolines. All the utah mascots were throwing out free stuff (I got a cool pirates ball!) the Jazz Bear jumped out of a helicopter, the fireworks were awesome. They were shooting them off so close we were covered in ashes and I got hit in the eye by a big piece of cardboard falling from the sky. At least it wasn't flaming like the piece that hit a guy near by! Ryan Shupe did an amazing job even though most of the crowd took off and left us feeling like chaperons to the young crowd. I wanted to tell people to stick around because they didn't know what they were missing. I think they put on such a fun show and could not be more talented. G was totally embarrassed by me bc I was singing along and getting into it, I guess that isn't cool? What do I care?!


Anonymous said...

Shake the boat, Jenna...shake the boat! Do me proud.

KickButtMommy said...

Glad you stuck it out and did not give up on your dream of getting there!