
For you mom

My mom asked for pictures and since I know she likes this kind of stuff I thought why not? Besides, it isn't as bad as I made it sound last night right? I was worried about wearing shorts/skirts for fear of scaring small children and grossing people out with my infested leg. But yesterday out and about town I actually saw a couple other people with it worse than mine. Just looks like bad mosquito bites huh? Only downside, they aren't. And they are supposed to be all mine for another six to eight weeks. Bugger. In the true since of the word.


KickButtMommy said...

What are the chances you got the parasite. Maybe you should try the lottery.

Sarah said...

I hope they don't hurt or itch to much! My ward is going down there on the 14th for an all day boating activity! Hopefully I don't get it too. I'm speaking in church next week...want to come?

Anonymous said...

Lovely legs. Reminds me of the mosquito bites we got in Egypt one year...the spots lasted for 2-3 weeks after!