

It has been a great, extremely hot week. Super busy at work once again putting together a room for one of the funniest clients I have worked with. She spent most of the afternoon sitting on her bed keeping us entertained as I drilled bunches of holes in the wall, (one of my favorite thing about decorating) My day was happy, but long and hot. I forgot I'd told Amy that I would talk to her scouts about being an artist. So covered in plaster dust I headed to her house after work to talk about the color wheel and what I like about being an artist. I realized talking to these cute boys about art and using it in my every day life that I am one of the lucky ones who can wake up in the morning and be excited about my work.
For lunch today I tried out a new juice place hoping it would come close to Jamba and while it was good, it didn't quite do it for me. Tho it did remind me of this cool place in Japan that I loved so much I took a picture of it. Ever had a bubble tea? That is more like what this new place is. Very asian.
This is Kaden, Amy's boy. We hung out last week while his parents went to the temple. He sat down here and patted the chair next to him and asked me ever so politely to come sit with him to watch Thomas. He is a fun little guy. We kept each other entertained for hours. Today while I was there he made my day by hanging around talking to me and blowing me air kisses and asking when we could play again.
I know you have all been dying for an update on the mutts. I still email Max's mom pretty
regularly and while I'm sure Max would be embarrassed by this not so flattering photo (his head looks weird to me) I love that he is playing nicely with Fenway, his new brother, and not being a grumpy toy hog like he was with Gibson.
This photo is from a few years back at Lake Powell. It was hanging around in my photo file and as I searched for pics I thought this one would do good for "where I wish I was" instead of boiling in the mid summer heat of the desert.
As Frybaby mentioned on her blog, our lake is infected by a parasite. While there this past weekend the ranger reassured me that the chance of catching the bug was slim to none (like 1 out of 6 people actually) so I got in the water only for a second to get into the boat hoping against hope I wouldn't catch it. Sure enough, as my luck would go, I woke up the next day with a purple rash up one leg that looks a lot like chicken pocks. SICK!


Anonymous said...

Take a picture of your rashy legs for us. You'll have to wear polka dots to have a complete matching outfit when you go to Calif. They are really into fashion, you know.
Love you, Mom

Cara said...

Maybe the parasite is the fabled "one-eyed, one-horned, giant purple people-eater."

FRYBABY said...

Casey is really lucky because he was in the water up to his head and didn't get anything, but the little girl that was swimming with him came out screaming after a while and had welts all over her legs.....which scared Casey to death so now he really hates bugs!!

KickButtMommy said...


Anonymous said...