

I was talking with this cute guy (really cute) last night and I was rambling on a bit about how stinkin adorable my niece and nephews were so I pulled out the pictures afterwards because talking about them made me miss them like crazy.

The beach pictures are from a trip we took to a place called Sokcho on the coast when mom was visiting for Cari's baptism.
This trip was when Ben coined the now popular family phrase Holy Chow! (Instead of Holy Cow, get it?) There was a van stuck in traffic with us advertizing the Chinese restaurant with the name 'Holy Chow'. Everyone was grumpy and hot and Ben was the only one laughing at his new joke as he repeated it to himself and we all just stared at him. He laughed and laughed and laughed until we all gave in and laughed with him. That is how cool my brother is! He can make even Korean traffic jams fun.

Dillon he asked me recently with his fun deep voice full of disgust, "Do you know that Korean people eat dog?" I told him I did and told him that once I almost ate dog soup until his dad stepped in at the last minute and told me what the meat was so I just ate the broth and veggies (I just can't do it, you know how I feel about dogs!) Dillon laughed at my almost demise and I said that I didn't think eating dog was any more gross than eating Ogeegno. (Dried squid, the kid eats it like twizzlers. Disgusting!!) I think my questions about the flavor of squid legs phased him only momentarily until he said, "I don't care, I LOVE it!!!"
But I guess I shouldn't expect less, this is the kid that hustled me out of a dollar to eat his other favorite food. Peanut Butter. He had me going for sure. I first offered a quarter to eat a spoonfull after he stuck his nose up at it. He acted disgusted. 50 cents? NO WAY! C'mon just a little bit Dil... NOPE! A dollar? He looked at my dad then and smiled this sneaky smile and dumped the whole spoon full of PB in his mouth like it was his favorite snack in the world. Man, hustled by a 4 year old. Disgraceful.


KickButtMommy said...

Awesome pictures and AWESOME hustle! I gotta try that one on someone.

Anonymous said...

You know that you'll never learn, Jenna. You'll always be a sucker for a cute boy's charm....at least for those two cute boyz. They get their charm and trickery from their dad who learned it from the Master....Elder Grandpa in the Bush! I remember his tricks.