
Be careful what you wish for...

...because you might just get it all.
Lyrics of a song that came to mind today after I asked the Big Guy for help finding a good painting job before I moved so I could have some peace of mind about not having work lined up yet. I kid you not, an hour later Jana called me and asked if I wanted to be extremely busy this weekend? Heck yes I do!
One of our long time clients moved up the street from her old house and decided last minute to have a few rooms painted before settling in. Plus, her husband is conveniently out of town this weekend giving her free reign of all decorative decisions (not a normal thing for her) So all the stars aligned and I now have a project that will eat up the rest of my weekend. Ask and ye shall receive... I'd normally say 'lucky me' and then pipe in my dad's response, 'luck has nothing to do with it' but I am too grateful to joke.

My green friend here jumped out of my geraniums and onto my shoe while I was watering this morning. I don't see a lot of cute grasshoppers (as opposed to the ugly brown flying ones) here and he was really too cute, I had to take a picture of him. I put him back in the plant so he could have a feast. What do I care? My pretty plants are all going to bite the dust when I leave anyway, no way will they fit in my car to come with me!


The Yetis said...

That's exactly what Elder Carson said in his farewell because he prayed for an adventure and ended up being called to the Congo!! The #1 most dangerous mission...So what is with your map? You should have tons of dots by now!!!
frybaby, commenting under alias

Cara said...

I think your are an entomologist at heart. Try painting the grasshopper.

BIG BRO said...

I should have saved a roach from Alabama, now there is a specimen of admiration!!

Sioux said...

You must pack a camera around your neck at all times! How do you get a pix of a grasshopper without running into the house & losing the lil' guy in the process? YOU ARE MULTI-TALENTED!! Thank the "big guy" for that!

KickButtMommy said...

That is a great pic. I thought the same as Cara. Paint it

Anonymous said...

I knew it was your finger b/c the nail was so pretty. I remember the days when you were doing everyone's nails. And the bugs, too. It's nice to see that some wonderful things never change.

jmr said...

Is my map still not functioning?? I can see you guys now after days of not seeing the dots, but only the list on the map website...technology!

Oh, it just got even better, I'm taking a break from painting for a minute and checked my messages, I have another big job if I want it. And the client I'm painting for told me the woman who moved into their old house wants me to come do a couple projects too. All I can say is wow.