

I ran oodles of errands this afternoon getting last minute things for the Safari/Jungle room we're hoping to get put together by the end of the week. I like to break up my errands with little stops to make all the driving around more fun. So after I found the last thing on Jana's list I stopped in at Home Goods to check out the latest arrivals (always dangerous territory for me, I had to stay far, far away from the clothes) and found a print that made me stop and think, "I've never tried to paint birds before..." So this is my first attempt at birds. The color is way off from the actual painting cuz I used the nasty light enhancer in microsoft (ugh)
I don't think I got it, they look stiff and pointy instead of light and graceful like the print I got my inspiration from, but it was a really fun way to spend the evening. Since all my canvas is at work I found a frame not in use and used the cardboard backing to paint on. A cool thing to paint on cuz of the fun ridges and the way it soaks up the paint. I watched (or listened to) Bourne Identity and broke up my project with a bike ride and cereal (because I can get away with cereal for dinner for days with out caring) and finished up my bird study watching Bourne Supremacy and another break chatting with RC1 ;)
I'll probably try the birds again since I'm not satisfied with these guys, but it was really fun to just paint for me with no clients specifications on my mind making me worry over the outcome or how much time I'm spending on it making my profit seem less!
Now if I could burn off all the excedrin I took to make it through the day I can go to bed! But Kickbutt, I'm listening to my Wicked soundtrack and it's not helping me wind down, that is for sure! I hear it is fabulous in London, maybe we should go on tour, NY, London...


Cara said...

I'm sure RC1 can appreciate pointy cardboard birds.

Sioux said...

I love the birds -- I've come to the conclusion that artists are perfectionists! They see what they want; they want what they want; and the rest of us benefit from what they see!

KickButtMommy said...

I love your birds. How do you do that? It boggles my mind!

Sorry about the Wicked. I have already decided I need to see it in NYC. Had not thought about London. Hmmmmm.....

Nano said...

Nice birds. I am a sucker for things in the Japanese woodcut mold.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to sioux's comment....your birds have an almost Asian feel. I think that you should just paint, put a price tag on each piece, and let the public vote with their wallet. You would be surprised....and rich!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Vickers!! You need your own art show...we'll see what we can work out up here!

Anonymous said...

We have enjoyed your art work for years! You have a real talent that few have. You could market it. And you also have a real talent for making words come to life. Wish you'd write some books of your experiences, or fictionalize some good events. Love ya kid. Keep on praying. He does listen and answer! This I know.