

I'm telling you right now: I am sick. I need professional help. I can not stop my obsession with decorating and I'm a little concerned that leaving my job and not having the creative outlet (and spending other peoples money) I will go entirely insane because I don't allow myself much in the decor budget, what with no permanent address.
Since I'm only taking the basics with me I'm trying to mix up my already eclectic collection of room stuff and incorporate some of my favorites right now in the most inexpensive way I know how. Pillows.

A harder challenge than I had originally thought it would be! I knew my search would take me online since Joann's is my only option in town and I've exhausted that source no end.
So I've found plenty of fabric I would die to own. IE this stuff. But I won't even entertain the thought of spending upwards of fifty bucks a yard on fabric!! I think anything more than $5 is a rip off. What a chintzy girl huh? Who are they kidding?? The top colorful fabric swatch would be my first choice in a heartbeat. It'd tie everything together for me perfectly. It has every color I'm using so it makes my hair brained idea to combine all my stuff and make it come together somehow. Blast. And the fretwork? Words escape me.

This one caught my eye too as a more subtle option but then what would I do with my lime green office stuff? I know. There are starving people, forest fires burning peoples houses to smithereens, my parents are doing the work of angels... and I just spent time writing about fabric. Where are my priorities?

But you just wait for the finished result.

Oh did I tell you about the bargain hunter I am? Well, I am. I consider it a sport. I wandered into Pier One yesterday, drawn by the big red End Of Season SALE sign. I found the coooooolest jute rug for... can u guess? 18 dollars for a 6' x 9'. I just sold one of my big rugs to a client so I thought I did well in my replacement cuz I still made a profit. All in a days work!


Anonymous said...

The top fabric would go perfectly in our house too!!

Sioux said...

Don't STRESS, Jenna. I, for one, would love to have some professional guidance on deco tips. I've moved around so much in the last few years, that I've lost all my ability to "NEST".

KickButtMommy said...

I love those fabrics. I have a seamstress friend who told me that there is a fabric store up here that sells all fabric for $2 a yard and she said it is decorator quality (Ralph Lauren etc) fabric! We will have to go check it out next time you are here.

Cara said...

I am also fabric obsessed. I always go by the remnants and buy cheap bits of fabric just in case one day I might do something with them.

jmr said...

yes! so glad I have good company!!

Anonymous said...

I like fabrics but I kinda go with the differing textures instead of the colors. I like depth and interest and, quite honestly, the paisley just has never done it for me. The Pier One jute rug sounds good, though. I guess that's why I like your steel string and bolts artwork so much.