
crazy lady

For all of you following, on the edge of your seats I'm sure, the status of my lost records.....

They are still lost.


Two weeks before I left for St. George (and the first week in my new ward) I met with the first counselor and filled him in on the search thus far. Which goes as follows: When I went back to the singles ward post married bliss (haha) I presumed my records had made it there and I had missed being read in since I was constantly out of town. One such weekend while I was out traveling my bishop and long time buddy was released and in this event the new bishop realized that I wasn't even in the ward. Records weren't there, and I wasn't really supposed to be in the ward anyway. My friend in the ward (also the ward clerk) tried finding them and couldn't, so I dropped it since I was moving anyway.

I tried to find them again when I was attending the LDSBC ward. The Bishop there swiftly kicked me out (in a really nice, loving way) and told me to go to the U ward (more my age bracket) and thus the hunt continued once again. I returned the following sunday hoping the counselor had worked wonders and found me. No such luck. My request form had been lost. I filled out a new one with the ward clerk supervising.
I told him, and the Bishop as well, that it was really important to me to find my records as soon as possible because my temple rec. expired first of August and so it's not just the membership I'm after since with out it, I can't renew. This need to have them be found has been hanging over my head and I feel a very large void.

You can imagine that I was pretty excited to talk to the clerk today, he would tell me he found them in the 'black hole'. It would be this amazing rescue story and we'd have a good laugh at it and I would be on my merry way.

Not even close. My request form had been lost. Again. Seriously. WHY? There has to a be a lesson here for me to learn but I'm not seeing it yet. Patience has got to be part of it but I ALREADY AM PATIENT! LOOK AT ME BEING PATIENT RIGHT NOW!!!

The clerk told me 'maybe next week, these things take time' and at this point I was starting to get a little desperate. And hot. I took off my sweater and as I did I started in on this speech. "I will be your worst nightmare. I will start to stalk you, I will call you daily. What do I need to do to get this to happen?"

I'm thinking to myself as what I'm saying is registering on his face (I think he thought I was joking, losing my mind, or possibly the worst thing a girl could do: gearing up for a good cry.) I wasn't, but how do I get my point across? Obviously I haven't stressed the importance enough yet. Do I offer blood? Cookies? Do I promise my first born child? Instead, I finish off with the grand, "Do you know what is in the balance here? I am recommend-less. I am after eternal salvation here, and you are standing in my way!!!!"

I didn't mean to be scary (ok, maybe I did just a little) I think my desperation was apparent. It surprised even me. It has been a nag in the back of my mind and I've wanted it taken care of but to hear it in my voice was kind of a shock to me. He sat down and we filled out my request form yet again and I sincerely hope this week yields results.

As he does too I'm so sure! I left the office cracking up because the guys in there all seemed to take a collective big breath as the crazy lady took her show somewhere else. We were laughing about all of this of course (when am I not joking?) but under the jokes they knew I was not in the mood to be disappointed and I like that I made a stand. I am so often too easy going and never show how much anything means to me. If I'm going to make a stand on anything, this is definatly one thing that is important enough to me to show a little emotion and get things going.


KickButtMommy said...

Way to stand up for yourself Jenna Marie! I love it!

FRYBABY said...

If you don't become their worst nightmare a lot of times nothing gets done right! We still are trying to find Jamie's seminary records for his freshman year and Tony was his teacher!! Of course, it would help if I could remember to ask someone.....or should I threaten them like you???

Cara said...

Did you check with the Seniors' ward? Those Chastity Ladies probably stashed it somewhere to keep you from going to a different ward.

Anonymous said...

There should be NO reason to 'lose' your records. All they would have to do in this season of 'computers control everything' is to enter your church membership number and it should be there. What is the matter with the clerks? Am I being a Simonds Ryder here or something?