
thoughtful litter

This is a classic example of why I love Grandma.

We were hanging out today and our conversation turned to the mail. Today was a late delivery day. Instead of an early delivery, it all depends on the mail carrier, and believe me this is a daily topic of interest.

She told me about the heaps of mail Grandpa gets and recently he received a letter from The Pope. Of course Grandpa gets letters from The Pope, why wouldn't he? Included in this particular letter there was also a rosary in a cute little white bag.

Grandma didn't want it to go to waste so today when they went to Hill Field she deliberately took the leather bag with her to drop outside the commissary where she hoped some lucky Catholic person would find it and use it.

Grandpa even pointed out a garbage can to her and told her she could just as easily toss it in there (you can probably imagine him saying this right?) But Grandma being her sweet giving self, dropped the bag as planned outside the commissary and I can only imagine the delight someone felt when they found her thoughtful litter.

Bonus question for the day: Name the movie I quote in my label for this post.


KickButtMommy said...

Jenna, you are just too much. I love grandma Fry! That will be some lucky Catholic that comes across Grandma's litter. Don't know the movie.

Anonymous said...

My mom is so full of love. She would probably send Bin Laden a taco if she thought he was hungry. I have always wanted to be like her. Instead I am like my dad...'just toss the thing in that can over there"!

Cara said...

Don't know the movie either - and that irks me!

I would have thrown it in my garbage, too. Grandma is definitely a cut above the rest of us.

They should write back,
"Dear Pope, please send more rosaries, as there are several more grocery store sidewalks we should like to donate to.
Sincerely, the Awesomes"

Anonymous said...

Cara, you are hilarious. I can just see Grandpa Awesome doing that.
And Sushicat, you are surely right about the old postman vs. the young postgirl daily lookout. Gives another perspective to daily priorities. Serge and I are always looking out for our postman. It is one of the highlights of his day.

KickButtMommy said...

NIce one girls! Okay Jenna, I knew I recognized it but gave up and googled it. While You Were Sleeping. Love that show!

jmr said...

auh man, you cheated Kickbutt!! luv the comment about the Taco. You are so right. I stopped by yesterday and I couldn't leave until I ate something. I love the Awesomes. The pope would be so lucky to get a letter from them :)