
the usual

"Where are we going for dinner?" The Usual. (Pasta Factory)
"What are you eating?" "The Usual." (Guys, I honestly don't know what your usual is, something to do with alfredo and angel hair?)
My two friends are so predictable and I love it. Me on the other hand? I'm all over the place. "What are you having?" "Surprise me." (And I was. I now know of an off the menu dish that I will ask for again.)
I have known these girls since I was at least eleven. Sarah (left) and I didn't become close friends until I moved to St. George at the end of 2000. Over the years we have made so many memories, some that live on in infamy, and some we don't talk about anymore..
I can think of a hundred thousand times when these girls made my day, saved the day when they helped me find a job, a place to live, or my sanity. We've been together for celebrating or holding each other through heartbreak. Sarah gave us both cards (to go with a book we are going to read together, can you guess which one? We're behind the rest of the world on this one.) The inside says (and I couldn't agree more):
I'm glad we're still the kind of friends we always promised to be.
Sarah is having a birthday on monday (are we to the age where we politely leave out a number?) 26!!! and quite possibly getting engaged as well. (YEA YEA YEA!!!) Amy is also having a big day too monday, she will be having Kylee, or starting to at least! I'm so excited for them both. It is so great to see the different paths we've taken to lead us to this point in our lives and see my two friends so happy. And me? Monday is just a monday in my planner but I could not be more excited about it. C'est la vie.


Cara said...

Let's hear about the off-menu dish! I'll have to try that sometime. I am way to predictable. I need a little more "Jenna" in my life.

Anonymous said...

Jenna, you are so wonderful....excited about Mondays! Wow! I used to be excited about Mondays while I still had school-age children living in my home. Now I have to struggle every morning before I put a foot on the ground about exactly what day of the week it is. Sundays are the only ones for which I have commitments. It is a phenomenon the Golden Years.

jmr said...

the dish: artichokes, sauted (sp?) tomatoes that had so much flavor I could have eaten them alone, zucchini, and mushroom with some kind of fab sauce over angel hair noodles. It was so light and tasty. The waiter was up for the challenge and wouldn't even tell me what I was getting, even picked my salad dressing too and that was a special treat, I have no idea what it was either. I asked of course, but he was a man of mystery. I'm always better off letting someone else order for me, or at least a suggestion or two.

Anonymous said...

You are so young and cute that you can get away with asking the waiter to order for you. If I did that the waiter would be so disgusted with the old lady that he would just scrape off a plate in the return pile and take it out to me. And under his breath say, "Serves you right."

Artichokes, you say! I can grow 'em but I can't fix 'em.

KickButtMommy said...

Sounds fabulous! You are so fun and cute Jenna! Wish you were closer so I could have restaurant adventures with you!

FRYBABY said...

So what about okra? We have some growing in the garden (Tony picked it out!) and the only thing I know of (because of living in Texas) is fried okra! Any suggestions? We'll let you cook something up when you get back!!!

jmr said...

okra huh frybaby? it makes me think of making dyes or something like that, am I thinking of the right plant? C u soon!

Sarah said...

Hi BB! I had so much fun visiting with you and Amy! I love that we are still great friends! I know Amy and I are more predictable but I think thats what makes our trio balance out :) Thanks for driving up to meet Craig today...it means a lot to me! I love yoU!