

It was a weekend for making friends with the snowbirds. While I was running errands after work Friday I met a couple who were having a print framed and I asked who the artist was since it was a really fun piece and I wanted to see more of his work. They both immediately started raving about him and told me about an exhibit at the college starting that night.
I met up with them there again and they told me about following his career and collecting his work. It's hard not to catch their enthusiasm so I checked out his website and I really like his work too. He has that ability I totally covet where he can make his paintings come to life somehow.
Check out more of Brian Kershishnik's work here.
I picked this image to borrow because the title made me laugh. 'Would you just walk' made me think of Devin since his favorite way to get somewhere is more like an acrobatic wall climbing venture than walking a straight line like the rest of us. I'm guessing he is probably outgrown this? I hope not.


Sioux said...

He does great work, doesn't he? Glad to see that you appreciate it as well. His parents lived in our neighborhood in Centerville, so we are acquainted with his stuff. Even been to his little studio down in Kanosh.

Anonymous said...

I really like his use of colors and his use of black. I also like how his paintings have a story. So he is a Utah artist. Utah seems to be so rich in talent. It must be the Weber water (inside joke).

Anonymous said...

I just went to his site. I immediately fell in love with his painting, "Gardening in the Rain".
That is such a great sense he has.

jmr said...

that was another of my favorites Vickers!!! great minds..have the same great taste? you know about weber water! why do I call it that and why does no one know what I'm talking about??

Anonymous said...

Weber Water is the yard water source pretty much just along the Uintah front, probably from Bountiful to Farmington area. It cost just a few bucks a year, you can use all you want, but you never drink it b/c it is not filtered and sanitized. It comes straight from its source, the canyons, and is so full of stuff that it plugs up the sprinkler heads but everyone swears it is what makes everything so green and pretty in the yards. You know, natural fertilizers! So when people say, "it's in the water" to attribute pregnancies, etc., in Davis County they say....."it's the Weber water!" Hence, it's magical.
Now aren't you glad to have an old aunt who knows all?!!

jmr said...

yes I am so glad I have a wise aunt, now if only I were a little more wise as a kid... I thought weber water was the best, I drank out of the hose ALL the time. maybe that explains something?

Anonymous said...

Cool sample, to read more on Brian Kershisnik,

click the link to this article.