
take a hike

If I had two hours to do with whatever I pleased: (asked this question in RS last sunday) I would go for a hike.
It's one of those simple pleasures that I love to do anytime, anywhere, no matter my mood, good weather, bad weather, preferably with a fury friend, here, there, anywhere really.
I adore it.

90% of the pictures I downloaded off my camera today were of The Beautiful St. George. I edited big time, but these are just a few of my favorites. I know they aren't all the best, but I still like them for my own reasons. Maybe because of the memory that comes with them? The Green Valley Gap area is probably my favorite place to hike in St. George. It's accessible (safe as a kiddie pool dad) but hardly ever do I run into anyone else out there and there are so many different trails to play on I could never get bored.
My should be trash trail blazing shoe. :) Gibson chewed the backs of these shoes up pretty bad but I still love them, maybe even more so because of his nibbling? Yep, I'm nuts.

my sweaty mug.


KickButtMommy said...

your so cute Jenna Marie. Lets go for another bike ride and get a Jamba Juice, can we?

Cara said...

Hike with a friend will ya?

Anonymous said...

Don't you remember the story of the guy hiker who went by himself and ended up trapped in the rocks down there in So. Utah? He had to saw his own arm off to save his life b/c there was no buddy to get help for him. Come on Jenna, you have loads of friends. I'm with Cara....get a hiking buddy.
Love ya.

Anonymous said...

She'll have two buddies to take hiking with her for the next two weeks! Good luck, buddies, with keeping up with her strides!!

jmr said...

no worries, I have no qualms with chewing my own arm off in a tight situation...

Anonymous said...

Man...you ARE Rambo! Holy Mackeral! Maybe it is a good thing that you hike solo cuz I'd hate to be a witness to that!