
Happy Mother's Day!

I'm posting this early because I will be out of town and without access to the internet. Pardon the cheese, but I have lots to say about my mom so if you can't handle sit this one out and come back when I'm not missing my mom like crazy!

I love her! She is such an amazing woman, I have so looked forward to writing this post all week because I think the world of my mom and have lots to say about her.

But where to start? There are so many things that are so amazing about her. And so many great memories I can't even begin to list them. She's as close to perfect as I've ever seen with her sweet and sincere approach to life. I appreciate my mom's faith and wisdom. She teaches me by example. I don't know if she knows how much I watch her and try to follow her lead.

She is the best shopping buddy ever because she uses her endless patience as I drag her all over creation looking for the perfect {but most likely nonexistent} item of my latest desire.

I was always excited to see her at the end of a school day. We would walk 'rounds' and I would spot her car and I would feel a kind of homesick just to be by her side. Or the funny pride I felt when I could pick her out of the audience when I performed in school. I don't know how she did it because she worked nights but she was there no matter what when I had something going on at school.

Coming home was {and still is} always so great. She was there, doing her thing, listening to the radio sewing or BAKING!! Cookies or rice pudding or cinnamon roles... need I remind you how I rationed the cookie supply she left when they went to Africa and the following withdrawals when I ran out???

She has this way of surprising me. She once woke me up with a bird wrapped in a dish towel right up in my face to say good morning. It had slammed into the sliding glass door but instead of just helping it on its way she knew I'd love to see it too. She once gave me a box of Life cereal on November 4th because its the day they brought me home. She has an amazing way of showing love. I watch her with my dad and hope to be the kind of wife she is some day.

My mom is brave. She once taught a ballroom full of Ukrainian doctors about neonatal resuscitation. She zip lines her way through the jungle. {She is not scared of the pumps in the great salt lake.}

I love her laugh and her sense of humor and how willing she is to serve others. She has always been involved to the fullest in life around her, making everything better for those around her. I love how she supports me, even when she points out I'm doing it the hard way, she is there for me and I can't begin to thank her for all she has been to me.

I've really come to appreciate her as we've become not just mom and daughter but friends. I know her best friend and he is cool {luv ya daddio} but she is my best friend too so I hope he can share!

Love you mom!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Jenna, you make me homesick,too, for your wild and crazy mother who is so close to perfection it is scarey. And you are just like her. Won't it be great when you can welcome home your own set of missionaries!

KickButtMommy said...

Aren't we blessed to have such wonderful mothers. I love your tribute to her!

Sioux said...

Jenna-this is just the best tribute about your Mom; I think we all love her to pieces. She is everything you say and MORE. I LOVE her laugh, her twinkling eyes, and her warmth. She and your Dad do make the PERFECT couple! Thanks for loving them so much.

Cara said...

And she is an AWESOME quilter! We love Aunt Krissy!

FRYBABY said...

She's my best friend too!! We all miss Aunt Krissy and Uncle Terry!

Jackie Sanders said...

Oh my lands! You made ME miss your mom! And rounds, was it really your mom, or were you just hoping not to walk all the way around the school again? That is darling! What a cute tribute! I LOVED that first picture! It was so cute of both of you, and your hair looks totally sass!
OH, your mama! Give her my best best best!
What an amazing mother! Half the time she was mine! I should have also written a tribute!