
puzzles and jazz

Some things never change.

There is something so perfectly summer about going to grandmas house and finding Lynnel and Grandma in the kitchen making gigantic salads and Grandpa in the yard.

Lynnel is here for a visit so she is doing her thing, creating beautiful dinners, doing puzzles, and bestowing us all with gifts.

After dinner with these fabulous people Grandpa went back outside and I heard the jazz start up. I didn't want to disturb him by bothering him for a picture. He was enjoying himself too much to ruin the moment for him. The ladies didn't waste a minute to start up a new puzzle. {The third since Sunday} I laid on the couch and enjoyed the company. It's fun to listen to memories and such.

Lynnel was working on this beauty the last time she was here. I commented on how pretty I thought it was so guess what she gave me today? It is so soft! I'm using it right now. It looks like it was made especially for my room.

Here are a couple of pictures from my walk on sunday.

The horses were doing there thing until we walked by then they both trotted over to the fence to say 'hey'. Friendly horses.


KickButtMommy said...

I can just feel and smell the air at grandmas. That blanket is a beauty and so are the pics of grandma's house!

Jackie Sanders said...

Ah yes. Your grandmas home looks just like I remember. I'm sure I can even remember what it smells like! Memories are flooding back. You must walk and walk and walk AND walk to get to places like that! It looks beautiful. My goodness, what great reflecting you must do.
Oh, and love the bathroom! When are you coming here!!!!

Cara said...

Those ladies put me to shame with their puzzle skills. And Awesome with his jazz...it's the best.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more relaxing than sitting with Dad on a warm, lazy afternoon in his backyard while the Big Band Era entertains.
The fav song would be "Sentimental Journey" or "Sunnyside of the Street". Heaven is at my folk's house.