
summer time

I am not exaggerating one bit when I tell you moi amie Becky is one of those people who can make me laugh until it hurts.

After a year of dying my own hair I decided I had put my dried out locks thru enough store bought torture and sought the help of a professional. {yes Jax, I feel like I was cheating on you but you don't do color, I HAD to do it. please forgive!}

Mid coloring mixed with reminiscing about the days in Monsieur Decker's poke-your-own-eyes out-you-are-in-that-kind-of-misery French classes and other various jr high memories we had a good old fashioned giggle meltdown and I swear I thought I wasn't breathing for a good 3 minutes. I also felt like I was in 9th grade again without a care in the world. Priceless.

Favorite things about this week:
stepping it up at work - taking on new challenges
chatting online with my sweet parents
laughing until i cried
a one year mark
ryan shupe and the rubber band {I would have looked harder for a visual aid without the 'buy the album' bit, but really, you should buy the album. It rocks. Nice photography right?}


KickButtMommy said...

I haven't laughed till it hurts for a while. Where are you and Vicky when I need you. I loved last 4th of July, can we do it again?

Jackie Sanders said...

Oh yes, my heart is broken!
I am quite envious that you'd ever have such a friend to laugh with.....so the hair does she do hair? Or what's the scoop on that?
Sounds like great times!

Cara said...

Hair dye is makeover in a box. Can't beat that.