
wax on, wax off

OH MY! Jackie has introduced me to my new favorite addiction. Waxing my eyebrows. I'm already a big fan of plucking, it is so theraputic and fun. So naturally, waxing has taken things to a whole new level completely!
"You don't have to do it." she says. Oh but I do!! Next thing I know I'm yanking hairs out by the millions (millions I say!) and loving every satisfying yank of it. I swear, it doesn't hurt even a little bit.
Thanks Jackie! For the homemade pizza {yum!}, the bedtime story, the waxing, beating me at my own game {Top Gear. Oh the shame!}, for bringing Mario Brothers back.
And especially, for being such a dear.
Don't be surprised if I'm there on your doorstep begging for more in the super near future.


KickButtMommy said...

What? You have never waxed? Oh my! Just don't do your legs. It hurts like crazy and you get this awful stubble coming back!

Sioux said...

ZOWIE!! I've never indulged in this sport, either. After looking at these pix, I don't think I will anytime soon.

Cara said...

Facial waxing is an artform, let me tell you. A necessary evil.

FRYBABY said...

I am a sworn bushman! I gave up plucking a long time ago because it made me sneeze! And now my eyes are so bad I can't see the hairs that I don't like:) Good excuse, huh?

Jackie Sanders said...

Ah yes, and so much more trash kicking to come. I tell you what, my new eyebrows, even though Jeff insists yours were the only ones we've changed have truly done WONDERS to my pregnant body! No thank you necessary, thank YOU!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just call me the hairless wonder. I've never needed to wax, pluck nor shave. Guess I have no hormones, or something.
Why the toothpicks around the eyes?