I'm calling it 'laid off' on the applications I've been filling out since yesterday afternoon. And really, that description fits perfectly because, well, that's what it was.
I also feel like it was a blessing. I've been holding onto sanity by wee threads and maybe a change in jobs might be an obvious solution?
It took me awhile to decide I even liked the job to begin with, and it took them awhile to decide to even keep me, but once all the decisions were made, I felt like this job was an answer to unanswered prayers. {Do you remember how badly I wanted that designer position?? BAD!} But this job offer came right after that one fell through and I don't think that was a coincidence at all. {do coincidences even exist?}
It was by far the hardest position I've had, and the guys would laugh if they heard that, since I barely carried a slice of the load that they did. But I overcame personal obstacles and I think the most positive thing I'll take away from this experience with P.I.S. {seriously, is there a worse acronym for a business??} is that I can solve any problem if I want to. I'm my biggest weakness and if I focus and think things through there is always a solution.
When I got to work yesterday after class I was going over emails and looking forward to hearing an update on a recent 'gem' {a.k.a. the funny things the bossman does.} This particular gem ended up with some radical changes in the company set up, including getting rid of my part time position in replacement of a full time person who can better help take pressure off everyone. After I got over the shock when Chris told me {dude, so did not see that coming} I could completely agree with him that it was best for everyone. I came home, all the while sorting out my reaction, and landed on relieved. I feel like I've been filling up my time with school and work and homework and everything else I can to stay occupied and there had to be a change somewhere.
I'm looking for something with a little less stress, less hours, less driving. I don't know what it'll be but I'm excited to see what comes of this.
Change, I've learned, is the driving force that keeps my life interesting.
Another adventure will ensue soon enough! Let me take advantage of your time off.........let's get decorating!!! :)
Jenna Marie, what a week you have had! Glad you ended up on relieved and hope it continues. Something perfect will come your way, I know it.
I think the Arctic Circle by our house is hiring.
Jenna, you have more talent in your tiny finger nail then most people have in a FAMILY!!!
I have no doubt!
Look out world!
Jen, I'm still waiting for you to do your business plan and get started. If not, there are always people trying to learn English over here!! ha ha.
Jenna, sorry for your change in plans can not help to think some thing better will pop up!! Like Frybaby said "Let's Get Decorating"
Good luck with your next bus stop in life.
Well no one can say you don't have a good attitude. And that's the first key to happiness. Good luck!
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