
"On Christmas Day!"

Christmas was a beautiful day here for the nine of us {wait until you see the jerseys}.
The kids got up early but we didn't get around to digging around under the Christmas tree until after 10 when we'd had breakfast and the dishes were done.

I wasn't much more than a bump on the couch since I acquired a shiny new migraine sometime Christmas Eve. I was so bummed!! I've only been looking forward to Christmas with the family since last April when I booked the flights.
Thanks to Ben, my dad, and a sweet blessing I was able to enjoy most of the morning before laying low in the back room for a very long day.

But if you remember what I wanted for Christmas, I certainly got it:

I got a lot of massages, including a vice like maneuver from my mom where she pushed on my head while I laughed, cried, and quoted movies at her.
I got a lot of hugs from the kids. They each came in a few different times throughout the day to check on me and make me smile. Searia even came in for a nap, so really, I couldn't ask for more than that.
And I got to spend time with my family. My mom is such a good nurse. We laughed a lot and they took such good care of me. I can't think of a time where I was in that much pain, but wouldn't take it back {now that it's over} for the love I felt from my family.

This Christmas will go down as an all time favorite.
Ben even added a level of excitement to the day by talking me into going off post to a Korean hospital for a mystery shot. After getting over the part that included a shot {I'm the biggest baby!} I was all for it and even got a little excited about doing something so scary, so long as they brought the camera and it involved alleyways and an adventure.

The plan was botched when Kwona reminded us that Korean's promising 'similar' drugs to those on post was an illusive thing. OK, maybe not that scary.


Cara said...

Aw Jenz, sorry to hear you were ill. I was sick, too, but at least not in pain like yours. But it's true, if you have to be sick, you mom is the best to have around. Glad you are feeling better.

Cara said...
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KickButtMommy said...

You can't get migraines on Christmas! Darn it! Sounds like you found the beauty anyway!

Wait till you hear about our evening, we thought and talked about the Korean Rix's a lot. I will post later!

Anonymous said...

Nausea and pain should be outlawed as part of the miracle of Christmas. So sorry that you had to struggle through that one. Hope that next Christmas will be pain-free and lovely.

FRYBABY said...

Do you have any idea what brings those migraines on?? Thank goodness for a loving, caring family who takes care of you.......only wish they could have eliminated your suffering completely! Life is NOT fair!!!