

comparisons are pretty easy to make. I don't necessarily like to compare many things in life, it can be hazardous. Somethings are just different, and should be left that way. Neither better or worse, just not the same. Sometimes the differences are so apparent, I can't help but poke at them.

For instance, last Sunday I was in Panama City taking in every last detail of a chapter coming to an end; enjoying time with friends and eating good food. Today, I found myself at the Awesome's making apricot nectar and being fed tuna melt on toast like I never left.

Last week I was wondering if I would enjoy silence as much as I thought I would.
This week I have found that silence is every bit as fantastic as I remember.

The jungle is gorgeous and I like the lushness and the way everything felt exotic, even the most mundane thing.

The desert has a harsh beauty to it that is home deep within me that lets me know I'll be a desert rat no matter where I go. Nowhere else on earth {that I have found yet} has the same effect on me.


KickButtMommy said...

You're pictures get better and better all the time.

Did you happen to see Miles' watch at Grandma's? :)

Vickers said...

So these past few months have answered one question for you. The desert is where your soul is brightest just like the noon day sky on the banks of the Virgin River. Enjoy your time among the dust.

Cara said...

Your picutres are A-mazing. I'm still waiting for your book. Apricot nectar and tuna melts...AWESOME!