
..from the oceans, white with foam...

Picture taken from the Panama Canal transit

Celebrations for Independence Day here weren't as revved up as you might think they would be on a US Navy vessel. {Ice cream social, an impromptu concert by the Air Force brass quintet and darts with Big Rix was the extent of the celebrations for me.}

I did have dinner with the Surgeon General, Rear Admiral Galson. As much as we {The Tres NGO Amigos} take pleasure in whining about the amount of DV functions we are voluntold to attend, I enjoy the chance to eat a civilized dinner without having to yell to be heard or try to pick things from the line that look edible.

Before yesterday I didn't know what else the SG did other than warn people of the dangers of smoking. But now I know 'The Surgeon General serves as America's chief health educator by providing Americans the best scientific information available on how to improve their health and reduce the risk of illness and injury.' {Taken from the USPHS website for the cat's curiosity - I like to read up on our guests.}

Typically at these functions I consider my role, as well as anyone else not seated at the official table, vital in creating 'back ground ambiance'. CAPT Ware shook things up a little last night when he finished the trading plaques/coins/hats ceremony with the SG and scanned the room while saying he would like to point out the different partnering nations and NGO's present. I knew he was looking for me because he said, 'Where is Gena?' {That's me btw, in case you were wondering.}

When he spotted me and said, "Introduce yourself Gena." I took this as one of many opportunities to set the name thing straight and said, "Good evening sir, Jenna Rix, LDS Charities," with a subtle emphasis on my first name. And to that CAPT Ware said, "Thank you Gena" and went on to the next NGO lead, but not without soliciting a few quiet chuckles from the group.

He is known {and loved} for his name slaughtering ways. And now he isn't the only one calling me Gena, tho he is still the only one who believes it should be the proper pronunciation of my name. The Bachelor {yes, celebrity abounds on board the Comfort} came up to me after and joked that he has been Alec instead of Andy to CAPT Ware. Tracy, Project Hope's Team Lead has decided Gena finishes off the alter ego I have created at our various DV events, 'Gena, LDS Ninja' who can be a little feisty at times.

I'm not the least bit concerned he can't remember my name and consider it part of the honor of being in league with such cool people. Banter is one of my favorite forms of communication.

When I think of patriotism I think of strong leadership, fallen heroes, and soldiers right in the mix of the ugliness of war. Both Grandpa's and Ben have been the faces for the defenders of freedom in my mind's eye. Added to that, I now have a different appreciation for those serving in every capacity, and the sacrifices they make as they do their part. I'll most likely think of them for years to come as I'm enjoying the comforts of home like summer BBQ's and fireworks.

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer."


Sioux said...

This day must've had a special meaning for you after spending months away from the USA! We will all be glad when you're back home - we've missed ya lots.

dawnanne said...

beautiful JENNA, thank you!

Amy said...

great post! miss you girl! still dont know when your coming back??

Vickers said...

Coming back home will be quite a jolt for you after your sensational summer. Give the General a pat on the back for me....and Capt Wade, too.