
movies and such

I don't have much to report except I'm happy it's the weekend and I was pretty excited when I just read in this months W Magazine that one of my favorite books I read this year is being made into a movie. The Nanny Diaries was a fun read, and that's what I've been eating up as of late, I just can't get enough of these girly books, but no worries, I throw in a good spy thriller now and again to even things out. And after reading Cara's list of Top Reads I have my work cut out for me.
I guess sometimes making a movie out of a good book can be bad thing, like Da Vinci Code or Harry Potter... I love the fun way JK Rowlings writes her books way more than the movies. But it can also be a good thing. I LOVED Sense and Sensibility, and Meryl Streep was a picture perfect image of what I imagined the crazy boss should look like in Devil wears Prada.

So I have high hopes that Scarlette Johansson and Alicia Keyes live up to the characters I have imagined, but I have no doubt they will, Johansson is one of my all time fav actresses and Alicia Keyes is just flat out one talented chic.

And in other news, since my missionary parents have been too sick and too tired to write on their blog I'll give u a mini report cuz I'm sure you are all interested. I talked to mom this morning, they are done with their training, so they will spend the next few days catching up on sleep and laundry and getting in some Sports Dance competions at the Y. Mom said, "We're excited and scared!" a bunch of times in her cute croaky voice. I think catching a virus might be something you just do when you go to the MTC? They will be the only welfare missionaries serving 5 countries so they have their work cut out for them! They head to Africa on the 12th, with a 20+ flight and a 8 hour layover in London I'm sure they will be glad to get there and get to work. Be grateful when you are throwing in your regular sized laundry load and think of them, their washer/dryer will only be able to wash a couple of items at a time when they get to Africa, crazy!


KickButtMommy said...

Jens, I read the Nanny Diaries a few years ago and was very amused by it. LOVED prada so here is hoping it takes that route. I need to get into the shopaholic books. They look so fun and so appropriate for me!

Sorry to hear parents are sick. We love them and pray for them.

jmr said...

The Shopohilic books are so fun Heather, the main character Becky is hilarious. Sometimes she's so ditzy I want to shake her but in the end I love her and wish she was a real person so we could be friends. Read them! You won't be disapointed!

Anonymous said...

Books are fun but it is your folks I love hearing about. They are so happy right now and so eager. They will be fantastic missionaries and I am grateful to be part of their family. She's my little sis!!

Cara said...

I tried reading Nanny Diaries, but couldn't get past the foul language - sorry! Hope the movie doesn't adopt the language so I can watch it.

Jane Eyre on the other hand is riveting - so not what I expected. I can't put it down. Great mystery romance.

jmr said...

you're so right Cara, why do they have to put it in? I don't understand the appeal. I do remember the foul language, maybe I need to let it get to me more. I'm going to the library today with the list from your website to get some more good books.
And Vicky, email my folks and guilt them into getting with it on the blog would ya? She'll listen to her big sis, they keep making up all these (kinda good)excuses! :)