
Out of this world

Isn't this photograph amazing? I love it! While I was thinking of what I could write about today I found this picture and it came with some thoughts from the photographer who took it and he pretty much summed up exactly how I was feeling when I went to the temple today, minus the despair, quite opposite actually, but you get the point.

"As you enter this place of holiness, cast aside your earthly cares and lay your worrisome burdens at His feet. Here in His house you will find refuge from the tormenting winds of temptation and the withering heat of worldly pressures. As you immerse your soul in His peace, He will wipe away the tears of despair from your eyes. Your heart will be filled from living fountains of pure waters, and as mortality gently fades, you will, for a moment, embrace the riches of eternity." ~ Kendall Davenport

My drive home tonight was so pretty. It was better than this with the sun hitting the clouds but the time I lost racing to the house for my camera and then back down the street to the golf course made all the difference.


KickButtMommy said...

How beautiful. I have to agree on the temple. I was trying to explain to the kids last night for FHE how quiet and peaceful it is there, but I don't think that is something you can grasp unless you have been there.

Anonymous said...

And the earthly history behind that particular temple is so faith-promoting. Love that particular photo and I am so thankful that you have it right next door, so to speak. You are a very wise woman to go frequently.