
Rosco the Rat

Only Monday and I'm already ready for the weekend! I never suffer from the dreaded monday blues but today I was buried by work and things I need to get done so I was feeling a little rushed and a bit more than tired. It's been go go go since I woke up this morning and now it's already 11:26 pm and I don't know what happened to my day! Does it sound like I'm complaining? I'm not. I rather be busy, but I'll like it more when I have some of the stuff tucked away in my accomplished pile instead of looming pile of things to be done.

I missed Cheryl's big day, the second wedding of my wedding season this past weekend. Details as to why I missed it are yet to be released, but I wanted to put up one of my favorite images she had sent me last week anyway because I think she is a beautiful bride.

Signe and I were having our afternoon chat (yes, I'm never too busy for a chat so it couldn't have tooo terribly busy today right?) when our landlord came to visit. After talking about the important things like Burning Flesh Staph Infections and the latest on her never ending leg surgeries, she told us she has sold the building we call our home away from home. I've dreamt of the Lemley's selling because as much as I like shooting the breeze with Sheila and teasing Loyd, the place is too much for them. It wouldn't hurt to get someone new in there to modernize the place so I'm looking forward to hopefully some good changes there.

Signe just got back from a huge week in Vegas and we had much to catch up on. She told me about a new venture they will be working on for the next couple of weeks and asked me to help out. I like being involved with projects they work on since they are very creative and motivated besides being really cool people to be around. I'll write more on that as it evolves. I'm already syked, it's going to rock.

I raced from project to project today so I could make it home as early as possible. I have a little friend staying with me (only for 2 more days, no worries mom and dad) while his family is out of town.

Rosco is a silly dog. I don't understand him really. I guess I'm used to my big dogs who would come to me, for the most part, when called them and weren't in the least bit scared of their own shadows. Rosco cowers in fear if I talk to him the wrong way. I tried to get him to run with me but he's to big of a sissy and had to be carried home after half a block of much panting and crying.
And that is my entry... I'll have better stuff to talk about someday soon I'm sure.


KickButtMommy said...

Love hearing from you and can't wait for details on missed weddings and fun projects.

Lots of love,
Heather & co.

Sarah said...

Hi BB!
Where did Amy go? I miss you girls we need to do lunch ASAP!
love you!

Anonymous said...

Alright, enough of all the veiled meanings...what's up? Old ladies lose their patience easily.

jmr said...

Amy is...I don't know, gone somewhere cuz her dog is trying to crawl up my leg as I type. :)
I'll fill you in soon Vickers. I was advized to keep it to myself for awhile for fear of you all thinking I'd lost my marbles.