
Before & After

After the regular Saturday cleaning/laundry/wandering around the house looking for trouble I decided I'd go out on my bike and find out how far I could go on a trail I'd noticed close to home. The parents have tried this trail but only a very short way in you have to cross a river and I think they turned around at that point. Not me. I carried my bike up and down a levy type thing made out of huge lava rocks, then dragged it up the really steep parts and set off on an adventure. It was good fun, I found myself on the other side of Hurricane when the trail ended. I could see Leeds and Smith Mesa when I decided I'd gone far enough. I was riding along towards home when I realized I was unconsciously looking around for my dogs every now and again, catching myself wanting to yell out to them to catch up. I did this a bunch of times before I admitted to myself that my adventures just aren't the same with out them. That lead me to think about how grateful I am that they found a caring family. It really is the little things that make me realize how blessed I am.

When I got home I decided the palm trees needed some help. Due to
our unusually frigid winter all the palms look really awful around here. The ones along the street look completely dead so I was happy to see new green parts poking out the top of these two and thought I'd get rid of the ugly dead stuff. They look a little naked but healthier right? I hope that wasn't a bad thing to do to them.. I didn't ask anyone and no one else has trimmed back the dead stuff yet. I snipped off just one branch to see if I could. And I liked it. Next thing I know the thing is looking pretty slim. Any one need their palm trees trimmed? I kinda like it!


KickButtMommy said...

I am sure you have seen our very sad palms. They are most unhappy but I do see hints of green that give me hope.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jenna, I'm going to have to call you 'Commando Pruner' from now on. Actually looks good...let us know in a month or so how they look. You may have started a whole new horticultural thing.

FRYBABY said...

We had to do that once with our palms and they looked great after! I think you did the right thing and they will thank you for it....and so will your Mom and Dad!