
Public Announcement

I have been self appointed to the position of your liaison to the missionaries in The Bush. So if you are like me and go to their site with fingers crossed looking for adventure updates you will be most surprised to find new info from emails that I have gotten over the past month or so. Hopefully this will take a load off M&D and when they get the internet up and running in their apartment they can add posts or just comment on the stuff I put up. Then we can all enjoy hearing from them and all the fun they are having!
I asked the neighbors to come over and check out the carbon monoxide detector cuz it keeps going off and as Bro Knock was playing with the malfunctioning box (that's all it was, I wasn't in danger of peacefully drifting off in a toxic type nap so no worries!) I filled them in on the latest from Johannesburg and since they liked hearing about the missionaries I figured the idea take over the PBPB Blog was a good call. That in mind and a comment from Heather today sealed the deal. The decision was decided.


Cara said...

I was just at the PBPB site and it's great stuff. Good idea!

KickButtMommy said...

Great minds think alike my dear!

Anonymous said...

Guess I had better start checking in at the PBPB. I had pretty much given up on it knowing that your folks would be out and around more than checking blogs. You can truly see the huge difference between them and me.