Grey's was fun tonight huh Heather? So looking forward to the two hour special next week!
Work has been really nice and relaxing. A lot of down time which is exactly what I've needed this week. I'm talking on Sunday so I've spent a lot of my free time studying. I am my fathers daughter! It has been so fun learning more about my topic. (the sacrament)
I've also been out on Rodeo Boys bike the last few evenings after work. I have it as a trial to see if I like it enough to buy it from him. I don't think I do, but I'm still riding it. Can't stop myself. I'm addicted! And I'm finding that there are a lot of trails around home to explore so I can just hop on the bike and wander off. Today I went towards the golf course thinking I would have to turn around and ended up on a four wheeler trail that runs along the cliff above the river. I'm finding all kinds of cool places around here to play. True, the lava rock isn't exactly what I'd call a smooth ride but it is training me to stay on the bike even when it gets bumpy. My first reaction is to jump off but I'm getting better at just going faster when I get scared. Yeah, sounds crazy but it works. I wanted my camera so I could show you were I was. Mom and Dad will know where I'm talking about but it is so breathtakingly beautiful out there I want to show you guys. I'll take my backpack next time.
The photo is of some art I whipped up for a client we are doing a few projects for. I didn't want to spend a lot of time on them cuz I don't think I'll be compensated for them. I know, such a slackers way of thinking about a project, I guess I'm a little tired of painting for nothing. I am working on another project for her too. This one will be more fun. I'll post pics when I get done.
Hey, I'm impressed with your biking skills. When we get back we'll have to go along and you can show us all the cool places to go --- of course without a rope around our waists!! You better ask Jana for a big raise, and mileage.
Swaziland was beautiful, and we made it across the border, but it is good to be back in and sound.
Love you forever,
Dad and mom
Love the artwork. Roxy is huge over here in surfland. You could make good money here! HINT HINT HINT
AS for the biking. You are my hero and make me feel like a wuss sticking to my safe little trails.
Greys awesome as always. Who is he going to choose Izzy or Callie? And what is with Karev? Does he really disdain Addison so much? I don't get it. And why do men only want what they can't have (Derrick). OY!
Oh yeah, best line "I liked the red one" Christina! I really like Burke.
Is it getting hot over there yet? Soon it will be too hot for those biking trails I should think. It's a good thing you are enjoying the spring weather and the spring nature while you can. I agree with d&m, it's time to get paid what you have proven you're worth. Try it....they won't fire you and you might be pleasantly surprised. Good Luck!
favorite line, was it this week or last? "oh are you sad because no face girl is going home with her family? Oh, so sad." Christina. I think it was last week? I'm still laughing Heather!
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