
early am mush

When will I learn not to take Excedrin in the evenings? Never I guess, since I did and now I'm up and the clock says 2:30 and I don't want to believe it.
I just finished the movie Spanglish. It is for sure a movie weekend, I've been flying though them like you wouldn't believe.

I don't know how to tell you what I got out of the last little bit of that movie tonight. I tried just now, and a couple of paragraphs later I was scratching my head wondering what I was trying to say so I'll spare you the details and just tell you that the daughter in the end says in an admissions essay for Harvard that she is not defined by the possible acceptance into their school, but by the person she is because of her mother.
I could say the same thing for my parents. MY FAMILY ROCKS!! I love you all.


KickButtMommy said...

You are right! Your parents do rock and because of that so do you!

Cara said...

DITTO! Your family rocks!

FRYBABY said...

If your family rocks we must rock too!!! Do we?

Anonymous said...

We all rock! But I have to give an extra vote to the So African missionaries just b/c they are missionaries. I mean, how often can you say that Terry is elder and get away with it?!!

jmr said...

When I said my family rocks I meant all of you, maybe I should have clarified that more, but anywho YOU GUYS ROCK!!! ha ha elder dad :) vickers got u good.