

Spiderman 3 rocked! But I am an easy to please critic, so don't take my word for it. I could have done with out all the cussing since half the audience were kids.

After seeing the second one with Ben and family I remember leaving the theater and talking about how the 3rd one wouldn't be coming out until Summer 2007 and it seemed like too long to wait! And here it is already.

I went to my friend Tera's wedding yesterday and shivered through the ceremony with everyone else trying to hear the Bishop over the wind. Crazy May weather! She was worried about it being too hot so being too cold wasn't even in the plans. Her wedding was the 6th one out of my friends this year and there are 2 more coming up before the end of July, is anyone else experiencing a crazy wedding season like this?

What do you think of the Sushicat cat? My weird name inspired some creativity for a friend who asked yesterday if he could create a sushicat and this is what was in my inbox today. Kind of like Hello Kitty's crazy chef uncle or something? I think he is working on a girl version too.

And I guess that is about it from the southern utah correspondent... I am off to pawn off extra cornbread on the neighbors. When I made it I thought 20 cupcakes sounded reasonable until I remembered I had to eat them all!


KickButtMommy said...

I totally LOVE your sushicat! She is so cute. You have to put her next to your blog comments. I'll take some cornbread. Come on over.

Sioux said...

What a darling pix of you and Krissy! And SushiCat ROCKS . . .
I talked with Mike and he was saying how cold/windy it's been down there. I guess Connor is driving them nutz about getting over to the lake.

FRYBABY said...

Sushicat is awesome but what I really love is your description of him! What friend created him? Your Provo artist friend? You should design your own Sushicat girl version!! It would be awesome too!

Anonymous said...

"Spidey" rocks!...but then I haven't seen any of the movies, so what do I know?!
Have to join the chorus and send out my raves for the sushicat. It would be interesting to see one done by you then put them both up for popular vote. Craziest one wins.