
my very own stitches

Yesterday was a turning point in my life. I had a doctors appointment to have a couple of moles looked at that I thought looked guilty of being up to no good. I made this appointment awhile back so I've had time to syke myself up for the undertaking of disposing of said moles in a mature manner.
He declared them 'most likely just fine' and left it up to me whether, just to ere on the side of caution, to have them taken away to wherever discarded moles go. Good thing for all that gearing up to be a mature adult; I chose to be daring and let him do his thing.
Maybe this seems small in comparison to what you have taken on in your life. I know I'm a wimp. But making the decision to get multiple shots and having a procedure involving words like cut, shave, pluck and suture is a big deal when you consider I am the same girl who was once willing to let a large piece of wood stay forever lodged in my shin. At the time I was sure it would go away if I just ignored it. There are incriminating tapes of this tear filled screaming fiasco. I should take advantage of being alone in my parents home to find those tapes and destroy the evidence!
I am the proud new owner of a bunch of new stitches? How many? I know it's the cool thing to have a count so as to gauge the coolness of the cut. I would tell you if I could look at them long enough to count them! I was lucky enough to change the bandages without passing out.
I'll be out of town when I'm supposed to get them out, I'm now working up the courage to do it myself.
Having such a gutsy nurse mom makes you wonder where I came from huh? What a sissy.


KickButtMommy said...

Oooh, Jenna. You poor thing. I have one suspicious mole on the back of my leg I keep shaving over. I am meaning to have it looked at as I have never really had a mole before. Just lots and lots of freckles. Good luck with the redressings!

Cara said...

I am Mole Woman. I keep them all. And I sometimes pluck the hairs that grow out of them. They are my friends.

Oh, and let me know when you have staples. That's the next step after stitches. Stitches are for wimps.

Anonymous said...

The best part is when you return to the doctor for a checkup and he announces that the curious mole was indeed a melanoma and then procedes to cut a very large section out of your leg and the resulting scar stretches halfway around your leg. That's fun! But I know that you will never have that experience. Still, Michele will enjoy tweezing out your sutures.

FRYBABY said...

Bring it on!! Hey, wait a minute....did someone say "tweezing out your stitches?" I will peel off dead skin, no problemo, but I draw the line at that....the stitch 'taker-outer' is Kris!! I guess you'll have to wait awhile if you want a family member to do that. I take that back...try grandma, she'll do it!

Anonymous said...

Don't touch that tape! We want to use it at strategic moments of your life. Wish I was there to pull out the stitches, it really sounds fun. Love, mom

KickButtMommy said...

All right lady, where ya been?