
Happy Birthday 형제

Ben's birthday has come and gone for him but we're so behind we can keep on celebrating for him while he sleeps.

As I searched for a couple of pictures of Ben this morning I ended up spending a bunch of this morning thinking back on all the memories that come with the pictures.

I was so excited when Ben got married (after I cried for a couple of days because I knew he'd never be moving home again. But it didn't take long before I realized the much coveted basement room could finally be mine now!) When we met Kwona I knew my big brother had found a gem. And leave it to Ben to have an awesome foreign wedding. Weird food, mom and I got beautiful, traditional hambok's (dresses) as a gift from her family and we even got to go on his honeymoon with him. Poor, poor Ben!

Ben was my idol growing up. I wanted to be wherever he was, and be just like him. I have vivid memories of sitting outside his bedroom door knocking every few minutes to be let in. Annoying little sister!! I would sneak in there whenever possible and look at his stuff and think how when I was his age I hoped I was as cool as him.
He had a string of motorcycles and I was always begging for a ride. Being the nice guy he is, he'd take me for rides all the time. My favorites were at the cabin. To this day the smell of scrub oak reminds me of rides with Ben. He'd scare me so bad when he would yell HOLD ON right before shooting up a mountain side, or down a super steep bank at the lake. (JK Dad) Kinda. ;)

Mom, Dad and I went out to see Ben and company in Virginia at Fort Lee before they moved to Korea the first time.
It was an eye opening trip for me. Not that I didn't love my family before this trip, I just didn't have my priorities straight and I realized this while there. I couldn't stand the thought of not seeing them for a year while they were away (Now a year sounds like nothing!)
When I told Ben and Kwona I'd love to come stay if it was ok they could not have made me feel more welcome and found me a job pronto before I could think twice about following though with it. Turns out this extended trip would become the turning point in my life and I'll forever be grateful to Ben and Kwona for opening their home to me and being such wonderful examples of how true love should be and for all the late night adventures and all the laughter. My stay with them is easily a landmark in my search for happiness and it wasn't really a shock when I found that I had the answers all along. All it took was the love a big brother to say it how it is, and help me get my head on straight!

Ben has excellent taste. I can thank him for my love for things like Captain Crunch, Macaroni and Cheese (Ben's way) Kimchi! (oh wait, he hates the stuff) U2, Phil Collins, The Police, fast cars and motorcyles.

I love you Ben! Next year hopefully we'll be celebrating your birthday somewhere like... New Zealand? How does that sound Ben? (We're trying to come up with a good meeting place for the fam when the african freaks are on their way home, somewhere none of us have been so that should be easy.)
This was one long winded blog. I could go on for forever talking about my brother. Maybe now having a post devoted to him he'll leave a comment, or better yet, update his blog!! He's one of the silent bloggers, he says he checks in from time to time. There should be a rule Ben, if you stop by, leave a note!


KickButtMommy said...

I don't know Ben well, but every time Miles talks about him I smile! He sounds like a great big brother! Happy Birthday!

Cara said...

Not only was he your number 1 brother, he was our number 1 Cuz for a long time! In fact he was the only cuz for a long time... My favorite story of him is one my mom tells about him diving headfirst into a little wading pool in their backyard in TX. He always was a little kami kaze.

Anonymous said...


You caught me. I came, I read and I cried. Thanks, I love you too. Ben

jmr said...

that is one of my favorite stories too Cara!

A Ben sighting! YEA! :)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday ben was great reading this blog of jenna and her thoughts about you. I remember when jenna was born and you said " i've never been a brother before" you were so concerned about what you should be doing. you must have done everything right.