
Observation Point

Michele's family got a week long pass for the park while they were here and left it for me in case I could use it before it expired.

Of course I could use it! My original plan was to go up early Saturday morning and go hiking but Friday afternoon as I drove home from work in 109 degree smoldering conditions I thought about how nice it would be to already be in Zion hanging around the river or something equally refreshing. The idea stuck so when I got home I threw my tent, sleeping bag, and a cooler full of random food into my car and off I went.

The camp ground was full but I chatted with the camp host about a site I had seen that appeared to be empty. He checked his book and had down that there had been someone there with a tent but he was sure they had left since no one packs up an entire site just to go hiking or something. So we agreed I should take the chance and I set up camp, then caught the shuttle and hiked the first part of The Narrows, enjoying the way cooler air in the canyon.

When I got back to my site I could see a second tent set up as I approached so I was crossing my fingers that they were cool with sharing their site with me. They were. I split the cost with them and all was well.

I only slept about an hour when the wind kicked up and made my tent impossible to sleep in. Way too noisy! So I stayed up reading and listening to music. I watched the stars for a long time too trying to get tired but it just wasn't going to happen. I played solitaire on my IPod for a really long time too, and never won once. Pathetic right? I'm glad I stayed up though, it was a fun night I'll always remember.

As the sky started to lighten I decided to pack up and be on the first shuttle up the canyon. The shuttle was standing room only but only 5 people got off on the Weeping Rock stop and the other 4 took the East Rim trail so I had the trail to myself. IT WAS AWESOME! I watched the sun come up and sang along with my music probably scaring the lizards to death. I didn't see another soul until I was nearly halfway back down the trail. I couldn't have possibly enjoyed myself more.

Birds eye view of the canyon. Angels Landing, 'The Hike' everyone loves in Zion, is the first monolith on the right hand side.

Observation Point is a climb of about 2100 feet in an 8 mile round trip. Supposed to take five hours but why take five when you can do it in three? I wasn't rushing or anything, I can't help it if I act like a goat on amphetamines when faced with a hike. I just get too excited about getting to the top!


KickButtMommy said...

What an adventurer you are. I do love Zions Canyon. My great grandpa was one of the founders of it (well started bringing tourists to see it). There is a plaque for him in the park in Cedar City and the indoor theater there is named for him, Randall L. Jones.

FRYBABY said...

I do remember the time your mom and I hiked Mueller Park with you and I thought I was going to die because you went so fast. We decided it was because you had such long beautifully strong legs! You will have to get Camel and I out hiking when you get up here.....hiking alone is a little scary I think!

Sioux said...

I don't know how your Mom & Dad stand to read about your adventures! I would be so worried about to death!