
Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

How about some feedback? I have my application ready to go for ldsbc, all I need is the letter from the Bishop and my color board, which is easy because I have a bunch already done but I'll probably put another one together for fun. I'm not sure about the essay part. Brief and to the point seems good, but any suggestions would be nice. Don't hold back guys, I know I have some excellent students out there for a good critique.

One of the many things that I think sets me apart from other applicants is my age. I am 25 and have already had years of experience in Interior Decorating. I love the idea of being able to further my career with more specialized study.
When my friends and peers were all devoting themselves to getting their college degrees I was making excuses for myself for why I didn’t need a degree. I already had a good job doing what I loved as an interior decorator, and besides, I didn’t have the money, time or patience to finish college. I told myself many times that being educated wasn’t just about a degree. I study a lot on my own and for awhile I thought that would be good enough. My biggest obstacle was myself because I gave up before I ever really tried.
It has taken me a few years now to admit that I will always feel like I am selling myself short unless I go back to school and graduate. I not only want to finish the program, but excel in it. I’m not just going to college because it is what is expected of me. I want to learn and push myself to be a better professional and person. I am fully committed to being the best student I can be. Waiting until I felt a strong desire to be in school has only made me more excited to see where this decision will take me. A quote I live by: "Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
Thank you for your time and consideration.


Cara said...

Now you're talking! I absolutely loved college. Sometimes I wish I could relive a semester or two. Classes are the best, especially when it's something you love.

KickButtMommy said...

I think that sounds great! You are an amazing woman!

Anonymous said...

Love your quote about opportunites multiplying. Do you also get to have a personal interview...if so, you have it made. It is amzing how just one little decision can change the direction of your whole life. Carpe Diem, as they say.

FRYBABY said...

Your blog says it all. Just print it up and send it in....for sure you will be accepted!! Now did you fill out the FAFSA? If you haven't then we are doing it this weekend when I am down there!!! And start thinking of a color you want to paint your room.........see ya soon;)

jmr said...

You read my mind Frybaby, on both counts, how did you know I wanted to paint my room? And my fafsa stuff is all in a pile ready for you to jump in and show me how its done! :)

Devry said...

If I could be a professional student I would. I would study art history next. I discovered it my senior year in college and by then it was too late. It is only slightly more useless than a Poli Sci degree, so I think it would be OK. Oh, and I would go to law school as well (esp. if it didn’t cost ridiculous amounts of money). I just want the education but I have zero desire to actually practice law. And I’ve always thought that 18 is too young in most cases to really appreciate school or to be able to really know what one should study in school.

FRYBABY said...

I agree with Devry! I wasted so much time in the beginning wondering what I wanted to major in...this is a good decision and it is great that you really know what you want to do! Besides the fact that you have done so much along that line already it will help you wiz through the program!! You will love it!

FRYBABY said...

Oh....and did I mention....when you are done with your room you can start on the foyer! jk

jmr said...

bring it on Frybaby, you pick out the room, I'll bring my roller. :)