
since when have I had any sense or sensibility?

I have been catching up in the blogosphere tonight and found the fun quiz on Kickbuttmommy's site and was kind of surprised to be Elinor. I just watched the movie again with grandma yesterday so maybe that had something to do with the outcome? I thought I'd be more like her sister.

This is what it said:
You are Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.

How cool to be like Elinor! She was cracking me up last night watching her cry her eyeballs out when E.C. came and told her he wasn't actually married. Good movie. If you haven't seen this yet, you should be ashamed of yourself. JK. Grandma and I had a movie night watching this fun movie, then My Big Fat Greek Wedding and after Grandma had had enough I watched You, Me and Dupree. We had fun laughing together, its always a good time with Grandma. After dinner tonight before I drove home we played a quick tourney of Rummycube. She is one fast lady, but alas, not fast enough! Can't wait to see if Cali girls have game, are you practicing?

I would love to write more about my fabulous weekend tonight but it was too good to try and cram it all in when I'm trying to get off the computer by 10:30 and it is 10:17 right now. You'll just have to wait and hear about it because it is definitely worth hearing about!

One last bit of random news. My gardenia decided to bloom finally a few days ago and I could not be more thrilled. I think I sniffed all the smell out of it already! Something about the texture of these flowers makes me wish I was one of those anne geddes babies so I could wrap up in it and sleep.

Speaking of sleep....


KickButtMommy said...

Hmm, not sure I would place you as Elinor either. I will have to watch it again. I do love that show. Your weekend with grandma sounds like loads of fun!

Anonymous said...

My fav color has always been yellow and according to your chart I am an original and powerful thinker who does not like to 'rock the boat'. Go figure!
Your color being blue surprises me. I figured you more for chartreuse or flaming orange. I guess that just proves how truly, sleuthfully, blue you are. Did you know that Awesome's fav color is also blue?

jmr said...

I know! Elinor?? I'd so rather have been Emma like you Heath.
I'm proud to be lumped with Awesome with my fav color choice.
Vickers, I get the original and powerful thinker but if there was ever a boat rocker... :) Yellow suits you, bright and beautiful.

KickButtMommy said...

Here is my color, and Miles too I guess.

You have incredible will-power and you are capable of overcoming obstacles that would stop others.

You enjoy a pleasant and colorful environment.

You are capable of bursts of high energy spontaneity, though generally more "laid back".

You are energetic and interested in many areas of life.

You are capable of accomplishment when consciously focused and persistent.

FRYBABY said...

I am red EXCEPT for the incredible will-power (at least when it comes to dieting!)but I guess I do have will-power when I make up my mind to do something....I just can't make up my mind to give up chocolate and ice cream! Sad, huh?

jmr said...

you are both for sure red. my question is, do these colors reflect the personality color test? Have any of you done that?