
Wheat Grass

I'm having something equivalent to writers block. Bloggers block? No sharable stories to relate and only a disfunctional printer to dish on from work. The thing seriously threatened to throw my life into a chaotic tailspin since I had a huge deadline for the engineer this morning. He emphasized the large sum of money in the fray if I didn't get our directives in on time. So it only makes since that when I only have 2 hours to receive a simple fax from the him in Ely, format and print everything, make it to Nevada, a 45 minute drive away; that is when the cartridges would mysteriously become empty for no good reason. Except to test my patience I guess. A quick half hour run across town and back with replacements, the silly things refused to go back into the machine like they should. I was telling myself that losing it would only complicate things so I remained cool as a cucumber. (ok, that is only true because my back up plan, Nick the genius neighbor, was on his way over to save the day when the silly things finally popped in like they should have in the first place. Glad I got it figured out before he got over here to make me look like a girl! Who designs these things anyway?)

I do love the trips to Mesquite for Rowdy because the gorge is like my own personal race track (syke, just for you daddio. For those of you who have never driven the gorge it's a really fun twisty part of interstate in AZ just outside Utah) But most of all Jamba Juice is there. I suppose that is of notable mention since I could happily live on juices and wheat grass and haven't yet discovered a place to get it here in St. George. But who really wants to read about what I had for lunch today?

So I'll be brief, kinda, with the blogging today. (I have been told to get on the ball and post something already!) So here it is. Cute frog picture compliments of Kickbuttmommy, it's a new species she tells me. Very cool.

Another trivia question to test you all. Tell me what is unique about this sentence:
(Hint: There is a specific name for it.)

The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.


Anonymous said...

That particular sentence contains every letter in the alphabet....but I don't know the specific name for that phenomenom. Enlighten me please.

KickButtMommy said...

That is super cool. I did not know that about that sentence.

And I love Jamba too. We can get one every day while you are here! :)

FRYBABY said...

I thought it had something to do with tying your shoes!! Oh, wait a minute, that one's about a bunny going around a bush, right?

jmr said...

Vickers, you never cease to amaze me. how you keep all that trivia in your head I'll never know. It's called a panagram (sp?) I'm tempted to go pull out Trivial Pursuit and quiz you now!

Anonymous said...

I'm good at what I learned fifty years ago in school. Just don't expect me to remember what I did yesterday. Short-term memory versus long-term memory....you know how it goes. Oh wait! You're "twenty something", you have no idea how it goes....lucky you!