
Apricot Wars

I couldn't help myself. Parker was asking for it with his clean white tee shirt. Besides, how much more fun can picking up nasty rotting apricots be when you throw them at your unsuspecting cousins? Way more fun than JUST tossing them in the dirt.
I have honorably taken the place of Vicky as daily apricot picker upper and have enjoyed my new position immensely. :)
But I am most excited about the peach tree. It is loaded!! I'm picking up my moms monster dehydrator while in St. George this next week with hopes of making lots AND LOTS of snacks for months to come. I think grandma will even oversee (from the luxury of her brown chair) the attempts at some canning if all goes as planned. Is it too good to be true that there are apples out there too?! New found hobby: dehydrating fruit.


Anonymous said...

Funk 'n grunt...that's what my neices and nephews do! Throwing overly ripe apricots...glad I was lounging on the patio well out of reach. I forgot and left my two sandwich ziplock, overly filled, bags of dried apricots on the top shelf in Grandma's large freezer. You might as well have them...they are so delish!

KickButtMommy said...

OH man, I need some of that dehydrated fruit! That stuff is the best! Jenna, you are becoming so domesticated! I am impressed.

jmr said...

domesticated? OH NO! Vickers, your loss is my gain. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wish I had spelled 'nieces' correctly in my comment. No wonder I went off and forgot the apricots I had worked so hard on.. can't keep anything straight in my head for long. But such a nice niece (neice) as you deserve to benefit from my nutsy ways. Enjoy!