
Devin Devin Devin!

Devin has been on my mind all day. I'm a sentimental nut if you haven't already figured that out about me. Talk about my family for even a minute and I'm getting misty eyed. My parents told me a cute Devin-ism this morning when we were chatting online that had me rolling.

You've really gotta know the kid to appreciate it so I'll try to set up the story with pictures and some fun facts about the guy. He is a super character. He has a heart of gold and always looking out for everyone else. I've been impressed with Devin's ability to sense some one else's needs and meet them in his own special way. When I unpacked my suitcase from Korea I found bunches of notes from Devin telling me he loved me and I knew he meant it because I also found loads of coins stuffed in my bags. He was always asking for 'eagle money' (quarters) and hording coins so the fact that he gave them to me meant the world. I still carry a baggie full of his coins in my car with me. What am I going to do with a bunch of Won? If I could, I'd buy a bunch of HiChew with it. Only the best candy on the planet. But for now it just makes me smile and think about Devin.

Unrelated but useful knowledge: The kid is solid as a rock. I can't pick him up. He's made out of titanium or something.

OK. So the story goes, and forgive me if I get it wrong, since I am getting it three times removed. Ben can clear it up if I don't get it right.

Devin is pure energy and in constant motion. So I can just imagine the scene. The family is sitting around the table for dinner, Devin is up to something. As usual. Probably involving some kind of crazy stunt off of his chair.

When in the middle of his antics he falls from his chair and smacks his face on the floor.

Everyone waits for the wailing to ensue....


....still nothing......

....then one little finger rises above the table with a voice attached saying "Warning, don't try that again."

I love you Devin. Keep it up dude.

In other news... the weather here has been fantastic since I wrote about the rain storm a few days back. Still super hot but wacky clouds in the afternoons and humid! Love it!Even thunderstorm clouds today. I wandered outside bunches of times today just to sniff the energy and watch the clouds get more and more ominous. Later on I laid on the cement talking on the phone trying to get my back to calm down and watched the lightening storm. The folks called from Africa. All is good there. I'll post something on PBPB when they send pictures. Hint Hint.
I know, what's with blogging about the weather? We're so passed talking about the weather. You'd think I was making small talk on the worst first date ever. Weather is cool tho. It has a bad reputation for awkward silence filler.
Honestly. I don't know what else to post about. You all know I'm sad and excited all at once about moving. I can't write more about RC1 or dating antics...too incriminating... so really, weather is all I got. I did watch Finding Neverland today. Auh hottie Johnny Depp.... a good way to end my babbling wouldn't you say?


Anonymous said...

We've been laughing about Devin's wise saying ever since we heard it yesterday...and it even lightened the mood last night after Terry ran into the metal door jam and split his head open. "Warning, don't do that again!"
Love you Devin and you Jenna. Mom and Dad in Africa

FRYBABY said...

Devin is truly a compact bundle of energy! And what fun he is!
We love the weather, too! Tony and I were admiring the beautiful sunset last night so I should've taken a picture of it and done a blog about that!! Next time I will!

KickButtMommy said...

Jenna, that is such a funny story about Devin. I love Finding Neverland. I am glad you reminded me about it. Who doesn't need a good cry now and then? If you have
incriminating stuff you can't share on your blog, you best be sending me an email, girl!

Cara said...

Warning, don't lie outside during lightening storm.

Anonymous said...

Devin's one-liner is so totally Benjamin! I can just see him as a little squirt. Cara mentioned it in one of her comments in an earlier blog...Ben was at our house playing w/Jason, Danielle, Miles. They were all splashing in our plastice, cheap wading pool.
We had it next to our 4 foot high retaining wall so that the kids could have fun jumping into the water. I was on the phone (you remember, the kind attached to the wall)when I saw Ben dive head first off the wall into the wading pool. I knew for sure that he must have broken his neck. He just got up and announced that nobody else should try that!
What a great nut!!!! He was our favorite cousin....he was our only cousin at that time but still the favorite.

FRYBABY said...

Glad you shared that story with us, Vicky!! I am still laughing with tears rolling down my face!

jmr said...

oh like father like son. :)