
Tech support quickie

Title Bar not working? It should be resolved shortly (so says blogger) I thought I'd share what I found to be an easy solution until then.

Happy Blogging!

Instead of positioning the mouse pointer in the vertical center of the Title (or Link) box, as is normal, you have to move the pointer upwards very carefully. With the pointer positioned just below the top edge of the box, the pointer will turn into the standard insert icon, and you can click in the box, and start typing.


KickButtMommy said...

Thank you, my sad lonely posts that are lacking a title, will be happy to hear it.

FRYBABY said...

It's been a pain but being as though I don't have anything to write until I receive an email from Ashton tomorrow I don't have to worry about any title! But thanks so very much for that info though...it was driving me crazy!