

Happy, happy birthday Cari dear, if I had one wish, then it would be, a happy happy birthday to your from me. (Be so glad you couldn't hear me singing that to you!)
September is a big month for celebrations in this family and Cari turning 11 is HUGE news!! I know it is something of a cliche to say, but where did the time go???
Maybe seeing Ben's kids only once a year - twice, if I'm lucky - is to blame for my lack of being able to comprehend that Cari is already 11! She should still be the 8 year old I lived with in Seoul only yesterday... at the most 9 since I've seen her an accumulated month or two since then so I'll give her a year, but ELEVEN?! Wow, Cari, I am impressed with you. I only wish I knew what you were in to these days. If I know you at all you are being the creative super genius girl you always have been, drawing, writing and growing up faster than any of us thought you would. Slow down!
I wish I could see you more Cari! I owe you a few Girls Only days. Write your aunt an email once in awhile huh?


Anonymous said...

when you leaving? this week has been crazy. can you do lunch sat? or dinner any night next week??
LET me know. I wont let you leave without seeing you :)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous picture of you and Cari. Eleven years is incredible. Cari was only born yesterday, I swear. She was the prettiest little baby girl. Happy Birthday Cari!

KickButtMommy said...

Happy Birthday Carrie!

Cara said...

In my mind Cari is still 6. If I ever see her again she'll be the biggest 6-year old ever. :)