
Singles vs Seniors

Two Sundays ago I picked a 9 o'clock singles ward at random so I would be home early to spend the rest of the day Jackie and Jeff. It was F & T meeting and everyone who spoke talked how weird they felt being out in the world for the first time on their own, having just moving out of mom and dads minutes ago. I was having a hard time relating.

Not wanting a repeat of that I decided to go to the church closest to the condo and have fun being the visitor in a family ward. I love being the visitor. It is fun to see who approaches me and everyone is always so friendly. I found a seat and an older couple sat down next to me. It wasn't long before she asked if I was visiting and then added that of course I was, I didn't have gray hair. Haha, cute. Then the meeting begins and the man conducting welcomes any visitors and mentions that this is a senior branch. Of course it is! I have done this once before, St. George is riddled with them and I hadn't noticed many kids. Actually, I could only see two a couple benches in front of me, sitting with their grandparents. I stopped fidgeting and decided to suck it up.

So what right? I figured I could leave after the first hour and go find another ward if I still felt like I was sticking out like the young blood I am. The meeting was exceptional. The woman who spoke absolutely blew my socks off. Before I could escape I had a few invites to the next meeting. I knew G.D. would rock in this ward because, lets face, these people have been around forever so they know lots of great things!

Visitors were welcomed and everyone was turning in their seats to get a good look at me. 'One of these things is not like the others' came to mind. When I introduced myself I told them I was visiting Pretty Kitty and had picked the church building nearest and they all had a good chuckle with me and the fact that I had been so misplaced and not doing anything about it. (I'm the first to laugh at myself, my dad taught me well.) The meeting was as great as I thought it would be so when the ladies ushered me to RS I didn't even think about trying to get out of it. I took a seat in front of a whole row of women in lavender who immediately started shooting off a gamut of questions.

Again they welcomed visitors and again everyone had a chuckle with me and told me to come back whenever I wanted. One lady turned around and asked if I had been introduced yet to any of the eligible men in the ward and this really got them going!

You will never guess the subject of the lesson either. Chastity. I am laughing again now as I think about how I nearly died when the woman teaching started in on her subject. Can you imagine having a chastity lesson with a room full of 65+ women??

Never a dull moment. Ever.


KickButtMommy said...

You are too much Jenna Marie. I love that you stayed!

Anonymous said...

Just a minute...I have to go through my closet and get rid of all my lavender (dar) dresses.

And as for the chastity jab...I'll have you know that it is a very real concern. Wink, wink.

Sioux said...

HEY! It could happen . . . the chastity thing.

Cara said...

You just need to head over to the Spanish branch next. "Hola, me llamo Jenna. No hablo..."

And then you need to find a signing ward - that would be the best!

jmr said...

hey I don't have anything against lavender (dar) vickers.. next time I visit a senior branch I'm wearing pastels! Its very in.
And believe me, these ladies didn't miss a beat with the chastity lesson, I laughed til I cried at one point. It was a highlight to my week for sure.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Sushicat. Do you mean you were laughing at our serious concerns? Or were you just appreciating our ability to put everything in its proper perspective? Menopausal freedom!

jmr said...

I wasn't the only one getting a kick out of this. They were the ones cracking the jokes!